Duke Nukem Manhattan Project Secret Areas

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A small version of the Overlord boss, like the mini Battlelord seen in regular gameplay, can be added into a level by placing his sprite in a level, then changing the palette to being anything other than 0.In-game, he behaves like the regular Overlord, but has a very fatal flaw: he has only one hitpoint. The positioning of his projectiles is not scaled with the enemy, which results in hitting the enemy own hitbox at certain angles, giving him a high chance of killing himself.This variant was fixed and used in both. A planned inventory item that would have activated automatically like the Scuba Gear. In the pre-release 1.0 demo leak, it changes Duke's speed/physics to moon conditions while letting him survive in the vacuum of space. However, very few vacuum areas were built so the Space Suit's coding was removed and the pickup sprite was turned into a decorative sprite, and the remaining vacuum areas (only one, in E2L8: Dark Side) was altered slightly with a forcefield so that they could be played normally.It's still placed in the bonus Zoo demo level and the Space Suit's sprite is located among the rest of the item sprites in the files, so it must have been cut late. Mode 2 with Night Vision Goggles.DEFS.CON and NAMES.H labelsunctionsDEFS.CON defines and labels all effects in the game to be used by the game code.

May 21, 2002  It’s then all the more surprising that Manhattan Project not only exists, but that it’s surprisingly enjoyable. Here’s a Duke Nukem game that throws you back into the early days of PC arcade platforming where it all began, and doing so in a completely unapologetic way. Confucius SayDie Achievement in Duke Nukem: Manhattan Project: Finish ‘Chinatown Chiller’ - worth 20 Gamerscore. If you happen to get stuck or need the locations to the Nukes and Secret.

Much of it is hard-coded to the executable, but some of it is soft-coded within the GAME.CON script file. Of course, there's a lot of defines that are unused, so an attempt to document strange and unused functions/labels is below.Unused labels Tile NumberTile TitleDescription13FOFAccording to the source code, this tile would be used by a floor-over-floor effector (SE 40).48AMMOLOTSSee180REFLECTWATERTILEA similar effect exists in.247EPISODEA wall texture with a circuit breaker box. 'EPISODE' is too ambiguous to guess what it would have meant, but probably something to do with menu graphics.344WATERTILEA worn metal texture. Certainly isn't a water tile now.395DOORTILE22A 'dumpster' texture with yellow warning stripes. It certainly could be used as a door tile, but it doesn't seem like that is what this label was intended for in this circumstance.

Most DOORTILEs correspond to actual door textures, but a few don't and are assumed to have been overwritten at some point. The DOORTILE labels are also dubious at best and it's questionable to what function they would have been used for, since you don't need specifically-labelled textures in order to operate a door in the final game.412FANSHADOWA Space Shuttle texture, comes right after the fan textures. Extreme school driving simulator games.

Most likely replaced in favor of using alternate effects.416FANSHADOWBROKESee 412.489SATELLITENo longer has an effect without modifications. See538SLIMEPIPELabelled, but it doesn't appear to have any noticeable function.554CAMERAPOLEIs in reality the fourth frame of Tile 551 DOMELITE. It's unknown what function CAMERAPOLE could have had; GENERICPOLE is used when possible in the final campaign.578REACTOR2See626BRICKIs in reality the teleporter floor sprite which animates. Since animated sprites are defined separately from Tile defines, it's unknown what function this would have.630SPLINTERWOODIs actually a green short metallic/stone horizontal texture to be used with steps or raised teleporters or the like.640WNUMBERSThese numbers aren't actually used in the final Duke3D campaign. A label would imply some sort of menu use, but neither the 0.99 Beta nor LameDuke use these in any sort of coded fashion. The numbers have existed since LameDuke, and are used as a decorative in several levels in that proto.1022HANGOOZNo apparent effect despite being labelled.1141BIGHOLESee Tile 893.1169DOORTILE17Is really the canyon wall texture. See Tile 395.1175JAILBARBREAKNo apparent effect despite being labelled.

Its sister tile, 1175, is listed as MASKWALL7.1225BARBROKEWould be left after FEM2 was killed. However opposing code in GAME.CON caused it to be deleted.1236BANNERA very thin dark olive color seven pixels tall. Unknown use.1272TRASHSee1387, 1388N/ARepeat of the LameDuke plasma bolts at 604, 605. This set is more complete and starts at 1385.1393SCRATCHTile 1394 is documented below, but the label for the initial sprite still exists here; the graphic is the last frame of the FIREVASE object.1647TONGUESecond frame of the Shrinker projectile (Tile 1646 SHRINKSPARK). In GAME.CON, this function is called in the unused ORGANTIC enemy's code, but commented out.

According to the source code, it would be a projectile attack for the ORGANTIC enemy.1860INNERJAWAccording to the source code, would be spawned by the TONGUE projectile.2160LIZMANFEEDINGSee 'Unused Graphics' below. Apparently at some point, the Enforcer (LIZMAN) could eat corpses or other game objects? No reference in any known GAME.CON. Would certainly compliment the 'FECES' function.2242HEADERBARNo idea, possibly internal or menu-only.2235USERWEAPONActually a frame of a lava splash or explosion animation. Apparently this would be where you would patch in your custom weapon sprites at one point?2333FLOORFLAMESee2442, 2443PLAYERISHERE, PLAYERWASHERERemnants from a Doom-style map screen.

BQREC2A.VOCBOS4RECOGUnused sound for the Alien Queen (spotting the player).The unused sight sounds for the Cycloid Emperor, Overlord, and Alien Queen are. From the beginning of the level, go through the first two rooms and into the room where you press the off/on switch to open the windows. In the little room in front of you that opens up after you walk in, walk up to it, but stand just outside of it. Turn left, and use the “No clipping” Gameshark code and slowly walk through the wall until you come to a tiny, tiny room with a grey and blue wall in front of you.To your left is a switch. Activating the switch opens a panel with scuba gear. To your right is an odd door with the medical red cross on it. Open this up to find a Portable Medkit and Steroids.

The unused room's location on the automap.Movie Set (E3L5)Right at the end of the level, while you’re going down the stairs to finish the level, stop at the next to last step on the stairs and turn right. Turn on the No Clipping cheat and go through the wall, going directly forward. You’ll end up walking through nothing for a while, but then you’ll end up in a room with a large health container, armor, and several porn mag vendors. Standing on the two red ones will make it lower, revealing a cubby hole with a Holoduke.A similar setup is used for one of the secrets in the next level, Rabid Transit, but the two red porn mag vendors are seperated, the player has to stand on the leftmost one to reveal the secret, and the cubbyhole is much tighter. Development team image triggerThe trigger to show the development team's image is different between 1.3d and 1.4.In 1.3d, the image is played after the player stops the 'Duke Nukem' image shown after completing Episode 3.In 1.4, the image is shown after the animation that plays when the Alien Queen in Episode 4 is killed.Maps WarpingSome maps were modified to prevent some cases of warping through overlapping sectors.1.3d1.4E1L8 Expander ammoIn 1.4, ammo for the Expander was added in the hidden level E1L8.1.3d1.4Graphics. To do:Upload images for all art.1.3d1.4Art ID(s)Description472A few pixels were changed in the alien-themed texture.1915 - 1919The graphics for the Assault Commander's melee attack was changed between 1.3d and 1.4.

1.3d's attack graphic has the Commander higher. 1.4 changed it to a blurred version of the Commander's idle sprites to suggest movement better.Interestingly, the 1.3d melee graphics show the Commander at a higher resolution than the rest of his sprites do.2445The help menu was altered in 1.4 to mention the newly-added Expander.2451A unused black dot sprite was replaced with the Expander shot.24923D Realm's logo was updated between 1.3D and 1.4. Levelord's signature in Critical Mass (E4L8), a level he was officially not credited for working on.Shareware sell screenshot differencesThe images used to sell the game in the shareware version of the game contain earlier versions of levels seen in the final game.Screen 1The first screen contains two different levels.The first level is an early version of the outside tram section in Warp Factor (E2L3). The middle area the player spawns in is closer to the center of the map in the screenshot than it is in the final game. The window and the part of the middle area that can be seen through it are completely different as well. The outside portions use a completely different texture. A 'Tiberus Station' sign can be seen hanging above the tram dock, which was removed in the final game.

The tram itself has yellow textures on it, while the final one has a lot more gray on it. The dock itself has a Protozoid Slimer, which doesn't exist in the final version of the level.The second level, despite having a generic resemblance to several used levels, such as the large circular areas in E2L1, doesn't seem to actually match any of the levels in the final game.Shareware sell slideFinalScreen 2Screen 2 appears to show an early version of the lit large room near the end of the final's Spaceport (E2L1) level.The most noticable difference is that it uses the moon sky texture instead of the space sky texture. The central shaft can be accessed from any side, while the final only has part of it open. The shaft also has a different texture and is rounded instead of square. The crate to the right of the shaft is missing, but that might be because the screenshot was angled in a way to hide it.

The right side looks completely different; it looks more like a ledge than the wall with windows the final Spaceport has.Interestingly, a preview screenshot, dated August 1995, also shows a similar area to the one seen in the shareware sell screen. This shot gives a glimpse of right side of the room, showing it as a more open version of the final's right side area.Shareware sell slideFinalShareware sell slideAugust 1995 preview imageThe seriesDOS. Windows.Mac OS ClassicGenesisNintendo 64.PlayStation.Sega SaturnGame Boy (Color)Game Boy Advance.

Duke Nukem 3D WalkthroughDo you find yourself consistently lostin Duke Nukem 3D? Can you never get 100% on the levels?If you've always wondered where the fifth secret is in the TiberiusStation level, how to get your way out of Derelict without pullingyour hair out, or how to find the Indiana Jones, Snake Plissken, orCapt Picard gags in the game, well, this is for you. This isthe official walkthrough for Duke Nukem 3D from 3D Realms.This will show you how to complete every level in the game, whereall the secrets are, and probably teach you a few things here andthere that you never knew about the game.This walkthrough works for both the PCand Xbox 360 versions of the game. The screenshots themselvesare technically from the Xbox 360 version of the game, but with oneminor exception in a single level, they're the same maps, so you canuse them on both versions.If you have any questions about thewalkthrough, or wish to discuss it, you can do so inof our forums. Episode 1: L.A. Meltdown. (Secret Level).

(Boss Level). (Dukematch Only Level)Episode 3: Shrapnel City. (Secret Level).(Secret Level).(Boss Level)Episode 2: Lunar Apocalypse. (Secret Level).(Secret Level).(Boss Level)Episode 4: The Birth. (Secret Level).(Boss Level).