Panda Population 2020

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Volunteer with pandas in Chengdu and take the opportunity to protect the animals that have become symbolic for the conservation of endangered species. Pandas have been endangered for decades, and finally, the conservation efforts are starting to pay off: panda populations are growing and their status has been changed to 'vulnerable'.Come to China and volunteer at a panda sanctuary in the remote mountain ranges of Chengdu. You will learn many interesting facts about pandas conservation and get to know this fascinating country at the same time.

Exactly how many red pandas are left? According to the World Wildlife Fund, there are less than 10,000 red pandas left in the world. To put that number into perspective, keep in mind that red. Scientists report results of a large-scale study examining giant panda habitat use trends and changing threats to their survival. This benchmark study is based on nearly 70,000 person-hours of.

Take your chance in Chengdu to ensure the future of the giant panda. Volunteer at a panda sanctuary in Chengdu (China)The first thing that comes to your mind when you think of pandas is probably the WWF (World Wide Fund For Nature) as a panda has been the organization's logo since it was founded. Therefore this animal, which is recognized by its distinctive black patches, is the most powerful symbol in the field of wildlife and species conservation. Besides that, the giant panda is also the emblem and ‘national treasure’ of its home country China. It can be found in remote mountain ranges in central China (e.g. Chengdu area), which is their only natural habitat. You probably already know that bamboo is their favorite and main food.

But do you also know how much time a panda spends eating its favorite food? It’s a total of 14 hours per day! Besides eating, the animals also like to spend their day sleeping and climbing.

As their weight can reach up to 115 kilograms, it’s needless to say they like to take things slow. Panda conservation status 2020It is estimated that there are about 1,600 giant pandas living in the wild nowadays, but the population is slowly and continually rising. A great development, that also had the effect that the animals were reclassified by the IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature) from being ‘endangered’ to the status of being ‘vulnerable’.

Nevertheless, the giant pandas are still the most endangered bears in the world and rely on the help of conservation projects and volunteers that support such projects. But what are the major threats to the giant pandas? Why are giant pandas endangered?The pandas are mostly endangered because of unregulated deforestation and farming.

Due to China’s rising population, a large part of the pandas’ wild habitat is already gone and used for infrastructural or agricultural reasons. Therefore giant panda conservation projects are of great importance as they provide a safe space for pandas, where they receive enough food and can reproduce. You want to get to know these amazing animals and volunteering in the field of giant panda conservation sounds interesting to you? Then keep on reading. In the following, you will find more detailed information all about giant panda conservation and how you can help.

Best places to work with giant pandasAs we have already explained, pandas can only be found in central China, namely the regions of Chengdu, Sichuan, Shaanxi and Gansu. If you are looking to volunteer with pandas in China, you will also get to know the country and gain a deeper understanding of the Chinese culture.

Fable 2 walkthrough. The projects aim to introduce their volunteers to the Chinese culture, local values and beliefs. China offers not only spectacular tourist attractions but also an amazing and stunning landscape to explore.

After you have completed your daily tasks at the conservation project you are attending, there is a variety of different ways getting to know the country you are staying at. Together with your fellow volunteers, you are able to attend to activities like:. Exploring local attractions. Learning about traditional Chinese food (dumpling making). Learn the Chinese language. Attend classes on Chinese calligraphy.

How can I become a Panda Volunteer in Chengdu?The kind of work that you will be doing as a panda conservation volunteer depends on the project that you decide to sign up for. You can find detailed information about the tasks in each program on the program pages and contact the program coordinator for additional questions. In the following, we will give you an overview of all the different tasks you can expect to be doing when you join a panda conservation project.

Your tasks at a panda sanctuary in ChinaIf you are thinking about becoming a volunteer in giant panda conservation, you have the possibility to choose from a variety of different projects that are located in China. In these conservation projects you have the chance to get to know these rare and interesting animals, actively help with their care, collect important data on the animal's behavior and a lot more. Depending on what you are looking for during your time volunteering, the following introduction into the different tasks will be helpful for you to find the perfect project for you.There are different tasks that your work is going to entail. If you are working hands-on with the giant pandas, your help is needed in a number of ways. Of course, your main task is to provide basic care for the animals, but depending on the program you also might get the chance to collect important data on the animals which is of major importance for further projects in the field of giant panda conservation. In order for you to get an idea of what your tasks can be, take a look at the following list:.

Cleaning of the pandas’ enclosures. Food preparation ( bamboo, apples, panda bread, carrots). Feeding the pandas in Chengdu. Chop and carry bamboo. Help to provide medical care for the giant pandas. Collection of behavioral data of the animals.

Help out in the field of research and veterinary projects (occasionally)The main aim of the different projects is of course to create an environment in which the pandas are safe and can be properly cared for. Even though the animals have been downgraded and are no longer on the list of the endangered animals, help is still needed for the species to survive. Your benefits of volunteering with pandas in ChengduSeeing pandas from up close and studying their behavior is a once-in-a-lifetime experience that you will never forget. That alone is reason enough for many people to pack their bags and volunteer with pandas in Chengdu (China). But apart from that, there are plenty of other reasons why this kind of volunteer work could be the right choice for you.

If you are interested in studying biology or veterinary medicine, a volunteer program working with pandas will be a great fit. You will gain hands-on experience and get a first insight into the daily work of trained wildlife experts and biologists, which will certainly come in handy at a later point in your career. Being able to list this kind of work experience on your CV is another bonus, even if you are not planning on pursuing a career in this field. It shows that you are capable of physically hard and hands-on work and that you are motivated to volunteer your free-time to a meaningful cause.You might get to refine your language skills whilst working on site as the main language spoken is English. And who knows, maybe you pick up some Chinese words or signs along the way as well? Immersing yourself in a foreign culture and living abroad will definitely make you grow as a person and give you a different perspective. And let’s not forget that the time you spend as a panda conservation volunteer will also be incredibly fun!

You will get to enjoy all the perks of living in the pure nature, like seeing wild animals from up close, getting back to your roots and facing new challenges. The best part is that you will be surrounded by like-minded individuals that share your passion for panda and wildlife conservation. After working and living together for a while, these people might even become your close friends!

If you think that joining a panda conservation project as a volunteer is just what you were looking for, then go ahead and get started right now! We would love to help you find the right project for you!