Xenonauts Base

Xenonauts Base 6,8/10 8628 reviews

Hey guys,I recently installed Xenonauts:CE and have been trying to raise my own gaming acheivement bar by beating Veteran on Ironman. My last two attempts have been foiled by the aliens destroying my bases in assaults. Obviously, this is a large setback because it wipes out a huge investment (base, base facilities and aircraft) and opens one or two continents up to attack. This usually happens a few months in, probably about December/january.Anyhow, in one game they destroyed a base that had no base defence turrets. I learned my lesson. So, restarted and eventually installed two base defence systems at all my interception and detection (or is that the other way around?) bases.

One base was assaulted and the two defences shot down the attacking craft (Yay!) which kind of lulled me into a false sense of security because the next month they assaulted another base and wiped it out. One of the defence turrets missed. Doh!TL;DR: How many turrets will give me a safe base?Cheers!. In a test run, three basic missile turrets protected a base extremely well.

Xenonauts base placement

Even a basic missile turret shoots down a Corvette if it hits, and a laser turret seems to down a Landingship if it hits. The chance of three turrets missing is only 1.25%, compared to 6% for two turrets.

However, I'm not sure on the best way to actually track down Alien Bases. I know that flying over a base with an interceptor will reveal it, but scouting the entire map to find alien bases doesn't seem very efficient, especially since I'd need to do it repeatedly since new alien bases are built as the game progresses. 9) Once the second base is complete after ten days build two hangars, living quarters, radar and general stores. That should give you a pretty.

There should be very little risk.Personally, instead of rolling the dice, I just put a garrison of six soldiers. When the aliens come, I bomb them out with rockets and a couple of shotguns. I'm not sure how much damage a building can take before being destroyed, but I was pretty lucky when I was hit. Alchemist code laharl. Thanks NuclearStudent! I've got 3 laser turrets installed at all my detection bases now.

No base attacks so far. If I find myself with too much money (hah!), I might put in a 4th - you know, just to be sure.I've had also in a previous game my main base attacked by Androns. Which my mostly green soldiers could not stop. Also tactics were bad on my behalf.

Thus, a question: during the base defence, they seemed to be coming at my command centre (in the middle of the base) pretty strongly. Should I concentrate my units inside the command room and kill them as they come?I know in Original X-Com they would come in through the hangers and the lift, but here in Xenonauts they came from behind, somehow infiltrating my living quarters. Sneaky buggers.

I guess they used the vents.

At the beginning of a game, Xenonauts lets you choose the location of your first base.I started on the most Northern point of North Africa with the consideration that I can cover all of Europe and large parts of Africa and Asia from there.However, most events seemed to occur in North America and Russia in the beginning. Also, I did not take into account that you can upgrade the reach of your base later.

What factors should one consider when setting up your first base?. Is there an optimal location to start at, and if so, where is it?

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