Slice Mania Uncharted Fortune Pc

Slice Mania Uncharted Fortune Pc 6,3/10 2756 reviews

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One of the most adventurous and action full video game that is available in the net for free is the Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune. The game is created and developed by Naughty Dog. The game is about the protagonist Nathan Drake. The protagonist is said to be the descendant of the sir Francis Drake who was supposedly an explorer.He sets out to find the lost treasure of El Dorado with the assistance of the two friends. The friends are Victor Sullivan and journalist Elena Fisher. The game was primarily made for the play station. The game was a big hit among the players of the play station. The game sooner became the most famous game of the year.

The goonies 25th anniversary collector's edition. Sooner a sequel to that game came in the market. And with no time a third game came in to the market. The game has high visual effect. The game is available in 3 dimensions. The maker of the game uses the cell micro processor that is highly useful in generating different layered animated characters to show case realistic features and expression in the game.The game also has some soft ware that make the sounds even seem real especially the vibrator. The features of the games are very high. Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune game is a three dimensional game.

Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune game has high definition pictures. Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune game is a single player game.The game is available in the net for free game list in some other name. The name of the game may be different but the features are the same. The game understands C language. The game needs the system requirement and runs in both windows XP and other high devices.The player can download the adventurous game from any site. The user can update the stages from the net itself. The game has different parts and the player has different stages to go forward to.

The game can be downloaded from the official site as well but you can get it free also.The blue ray present in it gives much more storage space in it which helps you to up date the versions as you cross the levels one by one. The prototype delays the changing of the program. The game is highly acclaimed and famous among the users and the players. The game has many special features and can be down loaded from the following game site.


Here's a reveiw on uncharted 1For you guys that missed it.Wednesday 23 Jul 2008If the premise of this game intrigues you then you should buy it and play it. There's not much that needs to be said – I can't recommend it enough if you're in the least bit interested in action/adventure movies. In fact, this is an Indiana Jones or National Treasure experience in game form, and arguably does just about everything better than those movies do. As such, it's an advertisement for where gaming could take us, and shows the potential for it to be a more engaging form of storytelling.Nathan Drake is an everyman, a sort of reluctant hero. He's a bounty hunter out to make a quick buck by helping a documentary film-maker called Elena Fisher find Sir Francis Drake's coffin and an interesting story. Being an opportunist, when he finds a notebook left by Drake he ditches Elena and flies off with his friend and business partner Sully to find the treasure Sir Francis mapped. Of course, it's not so simple; Drake's notebook is really just a set of clues that send Nathan all around the Caribbean in search of El Dorado (what else would a bounty hunter be searching for?)The Shooter's New ClothesThe mechanics of Uncharted are closely related to those in Tomb Raider and Prince of Persia, with everything happening in the third person (meaning we see Nathan on screen as we control him).

As in those games you find yourself climbing ropes, shimmying along ledges and generally doing what we call 'platforming.' There is, however, also quite a bit of shooting as the trail heats up – fellow bounty hunters (called pirates since they're the bad guys) also want to find this golden city. The shooting is reminiscent of Gears of War with its cover system – press X and Nathan will hide behind the nearest post or pillar, press L2 to lean out from your hiding place and press R2 to shoot. This makes it easy enough to get the hang of and it turns out to be a really fun aspect of the game play with its variety of tactics and weapons. You can also use melee combat if you get close enough to your enemies; it's not a deep subsystem but it is enjoyable.It is certainly a little surprising to find so much shooting and fighting in a bounty hunting game (as opposed to the expected platforming and exploring), but it's not an unwelcome mechanic by any means. There are no real stealth sections in the game but it does benefit you to have a look around and plan your course of attack a little so that you have enough cover. The settings for these gunfights are often spectacular and cleverly designed to take advantage of the cover system.

Nathan also has the metabolism of Wolverine himself, so a quick duck behind an old pillar is enough to restore him to full health after a barrage of gun fire.Fortunately Elena is impervious to bullets so you never have to worry about her dying on you. Design decisions like these decrease any frustration that might creep in playing games of this type (frustration that is all too common in Prince of Persia or Tomb Raider games), as you're always pushing forward. This doesn't mean there is no challenge – there are sections that are still difficult to pass, but a forgiving health system combined with a well-placed checkpoint system and a hint system make Uncharted a relative breeze of a game. In case it isn't clear: this is a good thing. If you want more challenge there's always Crushing mode, and the hints can be ignored.

It would be an absolute waste of a great story to make it too hard for the adventure-movie audience to enjoy to the end. That's no slight on that audience – I include myself in it – for a game like this you really don't want to have to repeat that sequence of wall jumps until your timing reaches 3 decimal points of precisionThe Big Surprise: An Actual Enjoyable PlotThe plot follows a typical adventure movie plot with twists and turns, betrayals and hostages, but also manages to develop the characters into believable people. Believable, that is, other than their tireless muscles, Drake's incredible regeneration rate and Elena's invincibility! Nathan Drake is not your typical action hero; he is rather an everyman who seems to mistakenly invite disaster wherever he goes. Elena Fisher is a competent, likeable and respectable accomplice. She happens to a female character that is not at all exploitative, something so rare in gaming it's worth commenting on. There are numerous times when the game segues into cut scenes, but they are uniformly entertaining, not overly long and essential in fleshing out the plot.Uncharted is the closest video gaming has come to the proverbial 'interactive movie,' and is the first evidence that the concept might actually be an interesting one.

Don't expect high art or blow-your-mind ideas or oh-so-unique game play. Instead expect to be entertained much like your good summer popcorn movies entertain – with great production values, some decent acting, great action sequences, top notch graphics, special effects and an enjoyable story. On top of all that the game play is great fun and varied enough to lift Drake's Fortune above the source material to be one of the best games on the PlayStation 3. It is certainly, to my mind, the best of its ilk.Rating:Oh,almost forgot from EL33TONLINE.comsome of the info on the controlls are slightly off but it's close enough.Edited by GMOF Slidell♥, 07 December 2008 - 11:14 PM.