Heretic Gods Game Guide

Heretic Gods Game Guide 6,3/10 9877 reviews

FAQ Thread: New Player's Guide to Heretic Gods (3/29/2018) A dungeon crawler ARPG with a mixture of Diablo-genre developed by Curacha Games. Players can enter a dark world, full of dungeons and monsters, set in the land of the Viking Myths. The Heretic Wiki is a wikia for the entire Heretic and Hexen series, a fantasy first-person shooter and RPG experience created by Raven Software. The series follows several heroes as they battle against the otherworldly Serpent Riders and their minions across multiple dimensions. Given time, it.

Dungeon crawlers have been sparking the imaginations of RPG lovers since day one, with intricate levels haunted by increasingly more difficult enemies, traps, and sweet sweet loot. A game that redefined the genre and introduced the “hack and slash” mechanics, where you tirelessly plow through waves and waves of enemies, skillfully combining your skills and spells in order to come out on top, was the classic trilogy by Blizzard, Diablo. Since these games, many have tried to copy their intensely fun gameplay, but few have come out successful. Games such as these are appearing on mobile as well, with a new title by Curacha Games trying to grab that prestigious title of “well-made mobile RPG” which seems so elusive – Heretic Gods.Heretic Gods sees you take the role of a lonesome traveler, traversing many a crypt, dungeon, and atrium, disposing of foes using moves from one of three diverse skill trees, Crusader, Hunter or Exorcist. Each level you’re awarded points which you can spend in one of four stat choices, Strength, Vitality, Dexterity, and Spirituality. These points affect other stats like Damage/sec, Attacks/sec, Walk speed, Life regeneration, and more.As for the skill choices, they affect the way you’ll engage the enemies.

If you opt for Crusader, you’ll base your gameplay on a bruiser type fighting style, with melee moves that stun, cleave, and do loads of hand-to-hand damage. The Hunter skill tree is more suited for people who find it better to pick off enemies from afar with their trusty bow and arrow. Here you’ll find multishots, poison arrows, traps to lure enemies to a location, and the like. The final skill tree is suited to the mages amongst us, or as this game calls them, Exorcists. These crafty travelers engage in combat with spells that deal damage, such as malady, or spells which heal and protect, like blessed palms.

Mystera legacy hack. Ideally, you’d need a combination of the three skill trees to safely travel the crypts, but you’re realistically going to invest heavily in just one of them, which will determine your way of approaching combat.The fights themselves are very Diablo-esque, with multiples of various creatures attacking from every side, although they seem to lack the skill level needed to win, especially in Atrium mode (easy). I could almost leave my character auto-attacking as I kept clicking on the loot and collecting it, and he’d get through the enemies with no problem to speak of. This is surely a drawback, but I hope things are a little tougher in the other two modes, Purgatory and Inferno.As for the controls, they’re easy to handle and intuitive, the left side is a virtual joypad which moves your character, whereas on the right side you’ve got buttons for the various skills you’ve leveled up and selected to use.

The items and inventory take another page out of Diablo’s book, almost word for word. You have items in various levels of rarity, like Gray, Blue, and Orange, with the rarer items often requiring identification before you can use them, just like in Diablo. Between every two levels, you’ll visit a town with different merchants, which can help you identify and repair your gear, sell your surplus items, and offer you new equipment if you’ve got extra gold.The dungeon levels seem well designed in terms of layout, but the enemies are pretty weak and have a confused AI at times, not even attacking you when they should clearly be aggro’ed. Visually, the game is superb, but the audio department leaves something to be desired, as you’re met time and time again with the same “caw” from a hoarse raven, or the same murmurs of zombies waiting to eat your brains (presumably). The sounds of attacking and casting are also repetitive. This can get old very fast, and I found myself shutting down the volume completely.All in all, Heretic Gods can offer a respite for a few minutes at a time, especially since the levels are fast and designed in a way to offer a quick and mobile-friendly gameplay when you’re on the bus or in a waiting room. The skill trees are interesting and diverse, although you won’t find them extremely necessary on easy mode and in the first few levels, as your character easily plows through the hordes of undead with almost no help from you.

So far, the game is still in development, and two more game modes are on the way, and I’m hoping they will add a level of complexity and perhaps distance the game from Diablo a bit, so as not to be a full 1/1 clone of it. Until then, my score for this game is a rather low 62/100.

.Heretic Gods Game Developer:.Heretic Gods Community Moderator: andCommunity Rules.Violent comments and non-HG topics will be deleted.Please treat other with respects.Submissions must be directly Heretic Gods related.Following the is required. Following the is encouraged as well!.Please search previous posts for answers before posting a question!Content Creator.System Guides.Developer's Blog.Heidrun's Crafting Recipe: Common Items.Updated Classes Guide.Old Classes Guide. TLDR; I enjoyed this game so far and have high hopes for it - have some suggestions.I am writing this to share my initial experience with the game after playing for a couple days (10 hours). I have played ARPGs ever since Diablo 1 (D2 LOD is my favorite). I also have a good bit of mobile game experience. However, I do not claim to be an expert. These are my initial thoughts as a first time consumer of the game, which I feel is an important opinion for the devs to hear.​MonetizationWhen I first ran up against the level cap it was pretty frustrating.

I tried to grind at it for a bit, but ultimately just decided to get the VIP pass for $5 or whatever it was. This occurred after a couple hours of playing and after I had gotten a feel for the game and it felt like a totally acceptable time to feel the pressure to pay money for the game.​ItemsFinding rare/green/unique items felt rewarding and substantial enough to want to grind for them. I haven't found a ton and that's how it should be IMO.

Each one felt like a big deal which reminded me of back in the day finding my first unique in Diablo 2.​ComplexityThe depth of the transmutation and runeword systems adds a welcomed complexity that makes me want to play the game more to get to end game loot. It will be important to balance the runewords relative to their unique counterparts otherwise you end up with a few items being exclusively the best in slot for most builds (think Enigma, HOTO, and CTA in D2). The monsters, spells, and combat felt really one note.​BalanceI tried crusader, hunter, and exorcist. Then did a quick dabble in Magus. Crusader progression felt really smooth and fit what I expected from a warrior class. Hunter was also pretty good, but bland.

Exorcist was conceptually fine, but I felt like the execution was off on the abilities. Thurible felt really clunky and had a much smaller AOE than expected. Phlebotomy was constantly being blocked or missed which was really weird and made it frustrating to use because my basic Cast Attack did more damage than the teeth even after many levels. Relative to Crusader and Hunter, the early progression of Exorcist was slow and tedious. Magus is being balanced still (it says) so take this with a grain of salt, but the frost orb does way too much damage at level one and then progresses too slowly afterwards. The other spells felt fine, but I didn’t play Magus too much.​Quality of Life featuresI loved the drop all, pick up all, and sell all features. The little help menus that pop up in the inventory and stat page are great as well.

I have mixed feelings about the potion spam mechanic, but at least there was auto heal.​Suggestions. Summons for some of the classes. Hunter could summon an animal. Exorcist could summon a Golem or bring an enemy back to life to fight for you. Magus could summon an Elemental being.

Crusader is more of a tanky type so it doesn't really need one, but he could summon a soldier or archer to help. Double tap to transfer an item. Make it so my character will “Auto Attack” using whatever spell is in the main button.

A waypoint in town to go back to any level you have completed. Cooler looking armor. Even the end game, super elite gear I see people using on Youtube is pretty lackluster. Rare/unique/set/runeword gear should look cool to match their power.

Get rid of the “Stat Stick” strategy. Only active weapons should give bonuses. An archer shouldn’t be carrying around a kite shield and a sword just for the stats on those items. Do something about attack rating on Cast Attack. Maybe make spirituality affect that stat or get rid of it all together.

Add in game information about what each stat contributes to and how armor impacts the damage you take. More unique characteristics to the dungeons and monsters. The monsters either hit me melee or shot a linear ranged attack. Give them some character.

Every fight felt the same unless there was a guy who drops a puddle, which is a step in the right direction. Get rid of the charge bar that builds up as you kill stuff. It doesn’t make sense thematically.

Why do I get stronger the faster I go, I would get more tired if anything. It also discourages exploration. If the charge bar is only for the 'rush' mode, ignore this point. Stat point resets. If you have Auto attack and Auto heal, you may as well add in Auto open that automatically opens chests and such if you walk next to them. I enjoy the minimalist style that the game seems to be going for, but a bit more flashyness will go a long way.

Keep it dark, but give me some flavor. Make it easier to hit a guy who is slowly sauntering away from me. They are barely moving away from me and my warrior swinging a big axe at them can't seem to cover the gap even though I am close enough to kiss them.

More unique abilities that make each build feel unique and strong and viable - and not just viable with some niche set of items that require hundreds of hours to grind out. Train simulator 2020 mods. Casual players should feel like that have some options too.