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Flyff Table of Contents Walkthrough

Table of Contents

  • 1Vagrant
  • 2Assist
    • 2.3Builds
  • 3Mercenary
    • 3.3Builds
  • 4Magician
    • 4.3Builds
  • 5Acrobat
    • 5.3Builds

There is one starting class, four first classes and eight second classes in Flyff. The first and second classes become available as you progress and gain levels.

  • First Tier (level 1-15)
    • Second Tier (level 15-60)
      • Third Tier (level 60-120)
  • Vagrant - Close combat character with attack skills. Uses Swords, Axes and Shields.
  • Mercenary - Close combat character with attack and passive skills. Uses Swords, Axes and Shields.
  • Knight - Defensive close combat character with a two-handed weapon.
  • Blade - Offensive close combat character that dual-wields two one-handed weapons.
  • Assist - Close combat character with healing and support skills. Uses Sticks, Knuckles and Shields.
  • Bill Poster - Offensive character with the Knuckle as main weapon.
  • Ringmaster - Supporting character with the Stick as main weapon.
  • Magician - Ranged character with magical skills of five elements. Uses Staves, Wands and Shields.
  • Elementor - Ranged magical character with element magic, uses a Staff.
  • Psykeeper - Ranged magical character with psychic and passive magic, uses a Wand and a Shield.
  • Acrobat - Ranged character with attack, stealth and passive skills. Uses Yo-yos and Bows.
  • Jester - Ranged character with the Yo-yo as main weapon.
  • Ranger - Ranged character with the Bow as main weapon.

Every player begins Flyff as a Vagrant. When you reach level 15 you must choose one of the four 1st classes, and complete certain quests to gain that class. Talking to the NPC Juria in the town of Flaris, you are asked which class you would like to be and are sent on the appropriate quest.

At level 60 you are able to choose between two more classes to become, which are dependent on what class you chose at level 15. This is your final class that you will use up to the maximum level of 120.

Once you reach level 120, you can become a Master by doing a certain quest. If you choose to do so, you will return to level 60, but receive various benefits. These include new skills, bonus stat points and a Master emblem next to your name.


The Vagrant class is the beginning class for all Flyff players. You select a permanent class once you hit level 15 and complete certain quests. What makes Vagrants even more of a tutorial class is the fact that once you select a class at level 15 you get a stat reset. This will allow the player to experiment with how stats effect gameplay without permanent mistakes.

As a Vagrant you are capable of using three skills:

  1. Clean Hit
  2. Flurry
  3. Over Cutter

You can drag these skills to the Action Slot bar in the lower right but there are some rules. Clean Hit is what is called a combo starter - it can be used by itself. Flurry is a middle combo skill - it must be used after a combo starter. For this reason you can assign Clean Hit to your F keys but not Brandish, since it requires Clean Hit to be first in the Action Bar.


up to
up to


The Assist class is the 'support' class. They have skills that toughen, empower and heal themselves and other players. They use either a Stick or a Knuckle. Assists do have the benefit of being able to solo or support due to their buffing skills and since they have a very nice AoE attack (area of effect), the fighting build can level up quite quickly. It's important to know that assists have some skills that require you to wear either a Stick or a Knuckle, although most require the use of a Stick.

Bill Poster[edit]

Bill Poster is one of the 2nd jobs an assist can select. This job is usually selected by people who like the fighting type of play: soloing, AoE and such. Usually, most of the points when you're a BP are invested in STR in order to do more DMG.

They fight with the Knuckle, and have plenty of strong attack skills. As a BP it is still possible to use your Assist buffs (with a stick). Also there are different kinds of Bill Posters, like the STR build which is mostly STR and a little STA.

A common mistake that people make is telling new players about STR builds and leaving out important details. STR boosts DMG which is very helpful, but remember you have DEX as well. If you just had STR and STA you might live long and deal a lot of DMG but you wouldn't hit very often or as fast or get as many crits or dodge as much. Don’t forget about DEX. Most people leave it out thinking it's useless, but you will notice how helpful it is.

Not many BPs put up INT unless they're an assault BP or INT AoE BP. Don’t forget that if you accidentally put some stats on INT, it can still be a good thing. It means your buff time is increased and that’s never bad, especially if you use Stone Hand.

The best thing about Assists is it's very hard to mess them up because they are hybrid characters built to do everything.


The support type. They level faster and (in high levels) get good money. The play type is usually to connect to a party or find a partner. The Ringmaster (typically) heals and buffs while the partner/party fights.

However, there are fighting builds of Ringmaster, which can solo and fight by using his buff skills on himself. This type is rare and not all agree on his effectiveness.


There are four types of assists that can be found that are the most common:

  1. Full Support
  2. High Stamina
  3. Battle Support
  4. Hybrid

Full Support[edit]

This type of Assist is heavily dependent on fighting in groups. They solo slower than other builds due to low STR, although they can handle their own okay one-on-one. To create a Full Support Assist, raise STA up to 30 or 40 and put the rest in INT. The FS is unmatched in healing and buffing other players. Since their buffs have time limits based on their INT they can spend more time healing or fighting when they have to. This build can possibly reach high levels quicker than any other class due to their ability to help out higher level players all the while getting power leveled. All buffs are useful to the Support Assist. Second class job change will be Ringmaster.

High Stamina (AoE)[edit]

The High Stamina Assist maintains a high amount of HP so they can fight more than one creature at a time. Their staple attack is Burst Crack since it has the ability to hit any targets that are around the character. HS Assists can usually handle up to 10 creatures around their same level at a time HP-wise and depending on the level of Burst Crack, they can defeat them fairly quickly. You can go about making a high STA Assist in two ways. You can bring STR up to around 30 or 40 and put the rest in STA, or put all your points in STA. Skills that are good for the High Stamina Assist are (in order or most to least) Burst Crack, Heap Up, Beef Up, Stone Hand and Cat's Reflex. Second class job change will be Bill Poster.

There is some controversy over this type of Assist. Since they have the ability to take most if not all of the creatures in a spawn, some people hate this type of Assist. This is in part due to some careless players who did in fact take every monster leaving none for anyone else. There are a few things an Assist can do to prevent this, like only fighting in spawns where there are few people and leaving one or two monsters alone that are near other players.

There are also other variants of AoE available to a Ringmaster that are more effective for leveling at higher levels (particularly 100+). Merk-only RMs typically go full STA or have low amounts of INT. They use prevention and Merkaba to AoE and do not need an FS to level. Another variant of AoE RM is the more tricky 'Mercrack' RM that uses Merkaba and Burst Crack to kill mobs, stacking damage. Mercrack RMs are seen to be more 'tricky' and expensive, so most RMs tend to take the Merk-only route for leveling. Apparently, Billposters are not the only AoEing Assists, so their second job change would be Ringmaster.

Battle Support[edit]

This is a rare type of build and some argue whether it is effective. This type of Assist can be made in several ways. This is just off of the Full Support build and all of these focus heavily on INT with a secondary focus on STR, STA, or DEX. The reason some like this type of Assist is that their buffs will last, they will be able to solo well, and they can still get power leveled easily. This Assist will use all of the Assist skills. Second job change will be Ringmaster


The Hybrid Assist is the jack of all trades. They can solo, AoE, and support well but not great. This type of assist can change play style quickly to suit a party's needs. This Assist will make use of all the Assist skills. Second class job change will be Bill Poster.


Mercenaries are like the warriors of Flyff. They are very powerful and have high HP. They can withstand most blows and can deal very high damage. They usually use Swords and Axes as their main weapons.


Knights are like tanks. They have very, very high STA and can deal very, very high DMG. They can still use Axes or Swords as their main weapon. For Knight builds, you would need high DEX and high STR. Many people who use Knights cap their DEX at 15 forever and only concentrate on STR and STA. However, because of this Knights tend to miss a lot, and they only use skills such as Splash and Keenwheel, and they are very hard to level up to make an AoE Knight. Because of this, in certain builds, Mercenaries who want to be Knights use a Blade build until they turn into a Knight and then they use a restat. The only problem with this is that restats are very expensive.


Blades are like ninjas: speedy, quick and very powerful. However, the have low defense and HP, but they make up for it with their high dodging rate, and massive attack. For Blade builds, they level up very quickly due to their great stats. There are two types of Blade builds: one that focuses on STR, and one that focuses on DEX. The STRbuild is more of the one hit, one kill type and the DEX build focuses more on better average DMG. Also the dexterity based Blades tend to hit critical hits more due to their high dexterity.

  • Builds***

full strength

  • str. XXX
  • sta. 15
  • dex. 15
  • int. 15

AoE (small stamina)

  • str. 15
  • sta. 30
  • dex. XXX
  • int. 15

Moderation (fairly useless at later levels)

  • str. XXX
  • sta. 15-30
  • dex. 80 (for aspd increase)
  • int. 15


There are many ways to use your stat points to make a mercenary, but it all depends on whether you're going to make a Knight or a Blade. It also depends on whether it's a strength Blade you will be building or a dex Blade you will be building. There are many variations, but there hasn't been a perfect build. However many go with these builds for a Knight and a Blade. Knights are slow but powerful, they can dish out a great deal of damage. You can put more dex in your build to make the attack speed faster. Blades are strong. Stronger than knights, but Blades lack one thing. Defense. Without a high defense, people who are Blades need to use a lot of food.

Knight Builds[edit]

  • STR - 500
  • STA -
  • DEX - 15
  • INT - 15
  • STR -
  • STA - 130
  • DEX - 15
  • INT - 15

Blade Builds[edit]

  • STR - xxx
  • STA - 30 to 40
  • DEX - 15
  • INT - 15
  • STR - xxx
  • STA - 30
  • DEX - 23
  • INT - 15
Note: Mainly for Axe blades
  • STR - xxx
  • STA - 15
  • DEX - 15
  • INT - 15
Note: Only for those who plan on having Ringmaster with them at all times practically. Will miss without accuracy and cannon ball


The Magician is exactly as it sounds. It is the 'mage' of the FlyFF world. They use Wands or Staves to start, but they select one or the other as they become a Psykeeper or an Elementor. Typically, the mage build is:

  • STR - 15
  • STA - 20-30
  • DEX - 15
  • INT -

Most mages NEVER touch STA until they decide to become AoE in their second job. Also, they only put points into INT if they do damage with Spells and Wands. Usually Mages will kill before the monster hits them, though they will live one or two hits. Any kind of critical hit is a death sentence for mages.


Psykeepers are really Wand users, and some call them Satanologists due to their dark spells. They are able to 'glide' on the ground when their wand is equipped. Their spells, unlike Elementors, are neutral, meaning they do not have the advantages Elementors have. However, their spells can be used against all monsters and still deal damage. There are three types of builds for a psykeeper. Satan, crucio, and AOE.


Elementors are Staff users and they always use element spells. Due to the fact that their spells are elemented, they have many advantages over monsters. Depending on the spell they choose, they can deal extra damage to the monster. They are also good AOEers, and have many spells to choose from, compared to a Psykeeper's eight. Most Elementors go AOE, but they can also go PVP as well.


AoE Psykeeper Build[edit]

  • STR - 15
  • STA - 120
  • DEX - 15
  • INT - XXX

PvP Psykeeper Build[edit]

  • STR - 15
  • STA - 80
  • DEX - 15
  • INT -
Player vs. Player, PK (Player Killer), PvM (Player Vs. Monster)

Satanology Psykeeper Build[edit]

  • STR - 15
  • STA - 15-40
  • DEX - 15
  • INT -

Standard Elementor Build[edit]

  • STR - 35
  • STA - 170
  • DEX - 35
  • INT - 39

Hit and Run Elementor Build[edit]

  • STR - 15
  • STA - 15
  • DEX - 15
  • INT -
Used with Wind Field (hard but effective)


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Acrobats use Bows and Yo-yos. They are probably one of the most chosen characters in FlyFF (after Blades). Acrobats focus on doing fast damage and will mostly use only DEX-based Builds.


Rangers are like mages: they use Bows with enchanted arrows to hit their enemies hard and fast. Ranger skills use MP, but never add 'int', cause it hardly increases your mp. you need DEX more! Rangers aren't very popular because you will need to spam your skill to get to level 60 and become a ranger. For the most part, a Ranger hardly touches INT. INT adds a slight damage bonus to Flame Arrow but nothing near to the block, evasion and damage that DEX gives.


Jesters are played in 2 forms:

  1. The real Jester, which uses Yo-yos to knock back his enemy and deal great damages without getting a scratch on himself.
  2. A Bow Jester, who uses the extra critical you get from being a Jester (every 10 DEX you get 4% critical). Because Bow Jesters go for a full DEX Build they will have a 48% bonus critical at level 60, ensuring that they nearly never miss and always crit.
  3. Only down side is that since a Bow Jester is, now using Bows instead of Yoyos, it lack skills and has become just an arrowing firing Dex Cannon with only Acrobat skills to offer.


Ranger Builds[edit]

  • STR - 15
  • STA - 40-50
  • DEX - 80-90
  • INT -

For Lvl 90+

  • STR - 15
  • STA - 112
  • DEX - xxx
  • INT - 55

Pre-level 90 Yo-yo Jester Builds[edit]

  • STR - xx
  • STA - 15
  • DEX - 73
  • INT -
  • STR - xx
  • STA - 15
  • DEX - 65
  • INT -

Level 90+ Yo-yo Jester Builds[edit]

  • STR xx
  • STA - 15
  • DEX - 41
  • INT -
  • STR -
  • STA - 15
  • DEX - 51
  • INT -

Bow Jester Builds[edit]

  • STR - 15
  • STA - 30-40
  • DEX -all here
  • INT - 15
  • STR - 15
  • STA - 30
  • DEX -all here
  • INT - 15

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Developer(s)Gala Lab Corp. (formerly: Aeonsoft)
  • KOR: Gala Lab Corp.
  • JP: Gala Japan Inc.
  • TWN: Macrowell Technologies Co., Ltd.
  • RUS: Mail.Ru Games
  • NA:Webzen, Inc.
  • EU: Webzen, Inc.
  • THA: Asiasoft Corporation PCL
  • VNM: VDC-Net2E
  • PHL: PlayPark
  • IND: PlayMojo

Flyff (short for Fly for Fun) is a fantasyMMORPG by Korean development company Gala Lab (formerly Aeonsoft & nFlavor).[1]

Flyff is hosted in 13 countries and 10 languages and has over 30 million registered accounts.[2]


In December 2002, Aeonsoft developed the first provisional prototype of the game, called Clockworks Ltd. In September 2003, the company changed the game's name to Flyff, and began its first closed beta in Korea. In July 2004, it won the Game of the Month award from the Korean Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism. Over the next year, it was launched in three more countries: China, Taiwan, and Thailand. In October 2005, the US received the closed beta, which ran for a month before Flyff was commercially launched in December.[3]


Players control an avatar that spends most of its active time fighting and most of its inactive time running a shop. Character classes are chosen at level 15 and sub-classes at levels 60 and 130, referred to as the first, second, and third job changes. The job changes are obligatory—when a character reaches the requisite level, experience gain stops until the completion of one of the job quests.

Levels are gained based on experience, which can be acquired by killing Masquerpets and by performing quests. Quests generally involve killing specific Masquerpets and collecting the different quest objects they drop; a typical early quest is that of 'Party of Is,' with the requirement of collecting 7 Chupims through killing Pukepukes.[4]

At each level, the character receives skill points that can be invested in skills available to its job(s). There are two types of skills: those used for attacking and those used for protection and/or enhancement. Skills may have cool-down times and may cause status effects, with confusion, stun, and bleed among the most common effect. It is not possible to acquire maximum levels in all available skills until becoming a level 60 Master.[5]

Characters can be improved by acquiring objects such as improved equipment. Masquerpets drop equipment, the in-game currency penya, consumable items such as food and potions, and quest objects, or players can purchase equipment from other players note this is usually extremely expensive because of the high quality gear that can be acquired this way. These can all be traded between players; Flyff gameplay involves large amounts of buying and selling in order to collect desired equipment. Most equipment items have minimum levels at which they can be used.


Flyff features melee, ranged and magic combat, with different skills available to different classes. Health points, fight points, and magic power bars are able to be replenished through food, vital drinks and mana refreshers; some classes depend on assists to heal them with magic.


Player versus player (PvP) combat is allowed on all servers without penalty in the form of dueling. Both players must be over level 15, and within 30 levels of each other, then they must confirm the duel first unless they are within the PvP Arena, a free-for-all environment found on all servers.[6]Player killing is allowed only on the Yetti server and carries a high penalty.

Social systems[edit]

Lord System[edit]

Introduced in version 12, the Lord system allows eligible[7] players to be voted as the Lord of their server for 2 weeks. Players must have obtained Hero or Master status to qualify as a Lord candidate. While a Lord, a player may introduce a number of events on the server.

Party System[edit]

Players who join a party gain increased experience and loot. A lone player does not benefit from or harm a party. A party starts as a Regular Party, in which experience is distributed evenly among party members in the same location. At level 10, the party becomes Advanced, at which point experience can be distributed to players based on their amount of damage done. An Advanced Party may have up to 8 players; having this many players in a party increases player experience with each monster killed during training.

Guild System[edit]

Guilds allow players to socialize; players within a guild can chat with each other and many in-game activities are guild-based. Guilds have a hierarchical chain of command, consisting of the Master/Leader, Kingpins, Captains, Supporters, and Rookies. The guild master may change the permissions for guild members, allowing members to withdraw items or money from the guild bank, rank-up or de-rank other members, and be paid daily. Guilds are able to choose an emblem and cloak to represent themselves and have the use of a warehouse. When a guild reaches the appropriate guild level, increased by supporting the guild through quest items and Penya, the guild master may create guild cloaks at a cost that sport the guild's symbol. A large amount of Flyff end-game content is guild-related.

Guild Siege[edit]

This event, held on Saturday in channel 1 of each server, allows guilds to compete in a free-for-all environment. A total of 8 Guilds may enter, and each Guild may have 10 players. To compete, the Guild leader must place a bid; the 8 highest bidders compete.

Battle bears gold oliver. Promotional O.C.O. Art from Battle Bears Gold. For information about the O.C.O. Skin in Batte Bears Gold, see O.C.O. When Oliver stumbles upon the powerhouse of Ursa Major, he encounters the Spaceboss as it launches Huggables into the room. Oliver is accidentally caught in the destruction of energy cylinders in the powerhouse, which transforms him into the state of Over-Clocked Oliver. For more information about Oliver in Battle Bears Gold, see Soldier. For information about Oliver in Battle Bears Overclock, see Oliver (BBO). Oliver's new description. The Soldier Class (Oliver's Class) Oliver is the main playable character in all Battle Bears games, aside from Battle Bears Zero: Wil's Finest Hour, where Wil is the main character.

Clockworks War[edit]

The Clockworks War is a guild dungeon that guilds of any level may enter a single time. If the guild fails against the dungeon boss, its players may reattempt to win as many times as necessary for a time period of one hour. Only one guild is permitted inside the Clockworks Arena at a time.

Couple System[edit]

The couple system, implemented in Version 13, allows a marriage-style connection between two characters.[8] Characters who become a couple are granted special buffs and skills and receive gifts with new couple level gained.[8]

Mentor/Pupil System[edit]

The Mentor/Pupil system, implemented in Version 15, allows any player level 91 or above to take on any character who has not completed their second Job Change as a pupil after completing the mentor qualification quest. This Mentor/Pupil bond provides a special bonus to experience gained by both mentor and pupil while both characters are logged on to the same server. Additionally, upon the pupil reaching certain level marks, the mentor gains 'Mentor Points'; as the mentor gains more of these points, additional pupils may be taken on, to a maximum of 3 pupils when over 100 Mentor Points are gained. These additional pupils grant increases to the experience bonus of the mentor; the other pupils' experience bonus' remain unchanged.

Flyff Gold Wiki

While no action apart from the initial bonding is necessary within the Mentor/Pupil relationship, mentors are encouraged to help their pupils with advice, quests, and/or occasional gifts. If at any time either pupil or mentor becomes dissatisfied, the player may cancel the bond. The Mentor Points of a mentor who loses all pupils returns to 0 and must be regained through new Mentor/Pupil bonds.

Other game systems[edit]


Events involving rare drops and extra experience are held almost every week by the gamemaster team. Maintenance is held every Tuesday evening (gPotato) and Thursday noon (FlyFF PH).

Collector System[edit]

Re-Introduced in version 11, the Collector System[6] allows players to collect rare and unique game items through the use of a Collectors.

Private Shops[edit]

Players can open private shops, in which held items can be sold at any price. Other players can enter these shops and purchase the items within, with the purchase money transferred to the shop owner's inventory.

Raising Pets[edit]

Players may keep seven types of Raised Pets, which start out as eggs. An egg can be hatched by the Pet Tamer NPC after feeding the egg 50,000 pet feed. To evolve a pet, players must complete quests given by the Pet Tamer. Pets must also be fed to keep them alive. Each Raised Pet has five levels and three appearances. A player accompanied by a pet receives additional stat points based on the type of pet.


Monsters are generally associated with a particular in-game elements, of which there are five. Each element is vulnerable to one element and resistant to another. Weapons and armor can be 'elemented', conferring advantages against monsters of some types and disadvantages against others; many aggressive spells are also elemented.

Cash Shop[edit]

Flyff uses a micropayment system through which users can obtain 'Game Cash'. Game Cash can be exchanged for premium items not otherwise available in the game, including clothing, potions, different kinds of scrolls and pick-up pets.


On February 13, 2012, Gala Lab, the development arm of Gala, Inc., revealed artwork for its upcoming game named F2: Floating Fortress. F2 was announced to have large-scale duel and PvP arenas, aerial combat, sieges and various types of PvP quests.[9] The title was meant as a sequel to FlyFF.[10]

On July 25, 2014, the sequel was officially cancelled by Gala Lab. The project was ceased because of various internal circumstances that the company had been through.[11]

See also[edit]


  1. ^Gala Lab - HistoryArchived 2012-09-10 at WebCite
  2. ^'Archived copy'. Archived from the original on 2013-02-19. Retrieved 2013-01-27.CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link)
  3. ^aeonsoft. 'About Aeonsoft History'. Archived from the original on 2009-09-16. Retrieved 2009-09-19.
  4. ^'Main Page - FlyFF WIki'. Retrieved 2016-07-14.
  5. ^Flyff Team. 'Master Quest'. Retrieved 20 Sep 2009.
  6. ^ abStella. 'Flyff Release Version 11: The Awakening'. Retrieved 2009-09-19.
  7. ^IGN Editor. 'Fly For Fun - Three Key Elements'. Archived from the original on 2009-01-23. Retrieved 2009-09-20.
  8. ^ abRichard Aihoshi. 'Fly For Fun's Couple System'. Retrieved 2009-09-19.
  9. ^cinderboy (2012-02-13). 'FlyFF 2 – Developer teases sequel to popular online game MMO Culture - Bonding online gaming cultures'. MMO Culture. Retrieved 2016-07-14.
  10. ^cinderboy (2012-11-11). '[G*Star 2012] F2: Floating Fortress – FlyFF sequel spotted MMO Culture - Bonding online gaming cultures'. MMO Culture. Retrieved 2016-07-14.
  11. ^Kim, Joyce (2014-07-25). 'The Cancellation of FLYFF 2 Development Has Been Confirmed. FLYFF Puzmon FLYFF'. Retrieved 2016-07-14.

External links[edit]

  • Flyff at Webzen - English Version
  • Flyff Wiki - Flyff Wiki
  • F2: Floating Fortress Teaser Site - F2: Floating Fortress Website
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