Fable 2 Walkthrough

Fable 2 Walkthrough 9,1/10 410 reviews

Welcome to the Fable 2 game guide which will help you pass through the main quests and the side missions.Additionally, you will find detailed information regarding all the secrets, which the authors have hidden in the game - the keys, chests, gargoyles, legendary weapons and demonic doors, together with maps showing their localizations.

UnlockablesGo to, and start the puppet show. Salem sabatka tx. Complete the puppet show to get various items in the game. You collect the items in the Guild Hall, in the chest by the Cullis gate. To get all the items, use the following directions:Book and Dye: Left + Evil + first option + Evil + third option Doll and Tattoo: Down + Good + third option + Good + first option Three Piece Chicken Suit: Left + Evil + first option + Good + second optionInfinite XPWhen playing the game for the first time, you may be prompted to update it with an online download. Do not accept this download, and continue to play the game.

This trick must be done with an unpatched game. When you reach Oakfield and have at least 5,000 gold, buy the very first house you see once you enter the zone. It should have a wood chopping job nearby.

Once you buy and own this house, sleep in the bed. You should now have a speed bonus.

Press Start, and go into the 'Skills' menu. Go to 'Skill', and notice 'Speed' has one star. Press Y, A(2) to remove experience from Speed into General experience, but the star will still remain. Keep doing this until you have enough for Rank 2, then Rank 3, and finally Rank 4.

Then, do this until you have enough General experience to buy out all skills, strength, and will skills. You will now be maxed out on everything.Go to the Temple of Light, and perform the 'Easy gold' trick that requires the system date and time being set ahead. Get a few million gold. Then, donate all your gold. Afterwards, you will notice some green General Experience around the donation pedestal. Use RT to gather it up. You should get a few thousand experience points, depending on if you donated a few thousand gold or a few million.After your character has leveled up a few times, insert a second controller, and begin a Co-op mode game without using a second profile.

Go to your henchman's abilities on controller two. Remove all of the abilities to return the experience to the pool. Quit the Co-op mode game. The extra experience from the pool will be transferred to your character. Repeat this as many times as desired. Infinite Legendary Rising Sun weaponAfter you complete the 'Donate To The Temple Of Light' quest and get the Legendary Rising Sun cleaver, leave the temple, and go back towards Oakfield.

When you get to the split in the path where you can go over the small bridge to the right to travel to Oakfield, stay left, and follow the path up the small hill towards the ruins at the top of the hill. When you get to the ruins, to the left is the entrance to the Wellspring Cave. Enter the cave, then turn around, and leave. When you get done loading the outside, you will receive another Rising Sun. Repeat this as many times as desired. Easy XPPurchase an Experience Potion from a vendor at either Browerstone or Westcliff, then find some enemies to battle. Normally when you dispatch the enemies and absorb their Orbs, you will get a message at the top stating 'Excellent Fight!

150% XP', or something similar. After you defeat the enemies, and before you absorb the Orbs, use the Experience Potion. The experience point bonus percentage will also apply to the potion, meaning you could earn 62,500 XP and get up to three times that amount. You can also buy lots of potions at the Crucible and use them in several of the fights (for example, the first bandit fight). Easy goldBuy some real estate, such as a food vendor stall or house. Once the real estate is purchased, adjust the rent/profits price to 100% of their default by clicking on the property paper on the side of the property.

Save the game once the price has been raised. If you are connected to Xbox Live, disconnect as that will automatically update the clock and date. Exit to the Xbox 360 Dashboard, and access the clock.

Adjust the date and time. For best results, adjust the clock as far ahead in time as possible. For example, if the saved game date is June 1, 2008 at 12:00 a.m., adjust the clock to December 31, 2028 at 11:59 p.m. Then, reload the game, and select 'Continue'.

Once the game loads, wait a few seconds. You will see a large lump sum suddenly appear over your character's head. This is the money that you have accumulated in your 'absence' from playing the game. Save the game. If you have Xbox Live, the easiest way to repeat this is to sign onto the service.

Once the clock automatically resets to the correct time, save the game, quit, and repeat the trick. This works because the game gives you gold every five minutes in real time whether or not you are playing the game or have it turned off.Once you have acquired enough gold in Bowerstone Market from the Blacksmith job, go to the Bowerstone Slums, and buy the most expensive weapons from the weapon trader.

Next, go to Fairfax Gardens, and sell them to one of the wandering merchants (must be a weapons trader). You will gain over 30% in profit. Repeat this process as many times as desired.In Sparrow's childhood, give all five warrants to the guard. When Sparrow reaches adolescence (early adulthood), get a job as a blacksmith. Earn at least 10,000 gold in addition to how much gold you need to get the new clothes, books, and other items desired. Because you turned in the warrants to the guard, you will be given a 50% discount from all merchants in Old Town Bowerstone.

Go to Oakfield, and finish the 'Hero Of Strength' quest. When done, return to Old Town Bowerstone, and go up to the weapons merchant. Make him love you, and if you can, make him fear you as well (if he hates you, you will get higher prices). Love and Fear give a 15% discount each. With both to the maximum plus the 50% means you will get an 80% discount. Buy all of his steel weaponry, and go to Fairfax Gardens, where all merchants have between a 35% and 40% markup in prices. Sell those items to the weapons merchant there.

Do not make them Hate, Fear, or Love you because this will decrease the amount they buy the weapons. This will turn 5,000 gold into 20,000 gold. Sleep for 24 hours at a pub, and repeat the process. If he has not restocked with steel weaponry, sleep for 24 hours again. Check in with him each time you wake up. He will definitely be restocked after two days sleep.

Basically, you are becoming a trader. You can own everything in a matter of a few hours, because you can get well over 100,000 gold in under 10 minutes. Also, if you find steel weapons with two augment slots, make sure you keep one ranged weapon and one melee weapon for yourself. Weapons with two augment slots are difficult to find in stores.When playing the game for the first time, you may be prompted to update it with an online download. Do not accept this download, and continue to play the game. This trick must be done with an unpatched game. When you reach Bowerstone Market, do not walk to the clock tower.

Instead, do the Blacksmith job until you have a decent amount of gold (15,000 to 20,000 gold recommended). Quit the job, and buy only the cheap houses in Bowerstone Market or Bowerstone Slums. Rent out those houses with 0% added to rent. Once done, save, and quit the game. Go to the Xbox 360 Dashboard when offline. Go to your system settings, and set the date to thirty days or one month later. Start the game again.

Select the appropriate saved game file, and continue. After the game resumes, you should receive a large sum of gold from rent. Continue to buy and rent out more houses, and set the system time one month ahead until you have about 4 million gold. You can now buy all properties in Albion and eventually get the 'Ruler Of Albion' achievement.Note: This trick requires the full download of Fable 2 Pub Games. Play that game until you have an extremely high debt (any amount, but you can only do this trick once - so a very high number is recommended).

Then, start Fable 2. This trick must be done with an unpatched game; do not accept any online updates. Go to the Bowerstone town square, and make enough gold to buy the cow and Corset Inn (for example, by blacksmithing). After you buy the inn, go into Fable 2 Pub Games, and merge your Fable 2 character with the character that has the extremely high debt. Save the game, then return to Fable 2.

You should gain all the money you owe in debt as gold because you now own the inn that one of the game masters is in.In Westcliff, when Barnum wants you to invest in his project for 5,000 gold, do so. In approximately ten years Westcliff will not be poverty stricken or slummy; it will be wealthy, and he will give you 15,000 gold. Easy loveAn easy and fast way to get people in love with you, male and or female, is to buy the 'Noble' clothes from the tailors. Put on all the clothing, and almost everyone will be in love with you.

The clothes will increase their attraction to you by a large amount. This is useful for the 'Till Death Do Us Part' quest because the 'lover' should be instantly in love with you. You should not have to worry about making them love you. It does not look the best on your character, but everyone will love you. Easy The ChopperAn easy way to get The Chopper in the Crucible is have a partner be a henchman, and take on the levels together. Getting cheaper housesFind a house that you want. Learn who the owner is.

To maintain a good personality, get people to follow you, and let bandits or other enemies kill the house's owner. For a bad personality, turn safety off, and kill the owner. The price will go down by approximately 250 gold. The DaichiAfter getting to Brightwood Tower, climb to the top.

When you reach the Cullis gate, turn left (by the stairs). You will see a part where the railing has crumbled. Jump from there. You will go down a well into Archon's Knot. Behind you is a Gargoyle.

Follow the path into a room. On the right, the wall has crumbled away. Shoot the glowing Orb in the wall. Go through the newly unlocked door.

Go up the stairs, and enter a new room with a spiked floor. Blockstorm gameplay. On the far wall, there are candles and skulls. The candles detail the safe path through the spikes. Hit the Orb, and go up the stairs. Run past the statue for now, and go up the stairs. Step on the glowing floor tile. Go back down, and imitate the statues expression (for example, the roar).

Hit the now free Orb, and return to the upstairs room. On this floor, the candles and skulls have fallen. Make your way to the right, and use Slow Time to avoid the spikes. You cannot walk on tiles which the spikes appear; ignore the key for now. Go upstairs, open the chest, then return downstairs.

You will find the spikes are now deactivated. Go back up and out the door to Brightwood. Once outside, go right. The chest there contains the legendary weapon 'The Diachi', which is a katana stronger than a master level with Devastation, Bewitching, and Killerwatt Augments. The HammerthystThe Hammerthyst is very easy to obtain if you have the 'Blow A Kiss' expression. Go to Oakfield, and blow a kiss at the Demon Door. The Hammerthyst is a slow speed blunt weapon, with 78.0 damage and the Barkskin augmentation.

Barkskin makes you more resistant to damage, but less resistant to scarring. It looks like a large purple crystal mounted to a two handed shaft, with golden motes pulsating around it.

Proceed through the village and go behind the house which lies further west to catch an unfaithful husband. During the dialogue, it will offer to bribe you so that you keep silent, if you agree, you get a gold coin but this will be counted as a bad action. Refuse so the pot of wine then go to the town square, there, please contact the woman waiting outside his house and talk to her husband to do a good deed.

Note that if you accept the pot of wine then you go talk to the woman, your bad action will be canceled. Once before the tent of Two Swords, fighting against the bandit leader snaps.

It is impossible to defeat front, then it will dodge his attacks the time it hits the ground with both weapons. At this precise moment, move quickly on his back (with power Assassine eg load) and hit him with a boot to maximize damage. Once the battle is finished, you can choose between killing your opponent and strengthen your misaligned, or otherwise let him live and just leave. In both cases, the quest ends and you can return to the Guild. When you reach half the bar of Jack, it will begin to levitate while sending you various projectiles.

Then continue to slow down time while sending it shooting fully loaded to finally defeat him. At this point, a final choice is offered to you: Throw Sword of Aeons into the vortex or kill your sister to restore its power.

Each choice correspond grosso modo to your alignment but you are free to radically change direction. Finally, note that people who decide to take the Sword of Ages will have the opportunity to obtain a similar weapon in a future quest. A Oakvale, talk to the old man waiting near the road leading to the dock to activate the quest. The next step is to complete the mission 'The Treasure of the ghost pirate' to participate in the competition.

The rules are simple, you must type in the strongest possible in order to send them to the relevant areas with the most points, the distance traveled by the bird is determined by your physical condition broilers. Obtaining a score of 250 you win the Hat Chicken, a score of 150 you will however receive a silver key. To achieve unlock this door, you will have to face hordes of enemies to increase your combat multiplier. So enter in the caves of Hobbes and make up your multiplier to 20 by using spells such as slowing time or magic shield. Once reached your goal, get out and make up your multiplier by addressing the Troll that appears before you, because yes, your multiplier decreases during the loading time.

When you are able to go back to 14, talk to the door to open and recover the legendary weapon Bluetane, cutlass. To open this door, you have to meet several complete outfits: Holding bandit (obtained during a search of the story), the black outfit Will (obtained by unlocking the door 3) and finally armor flat radiant, you can buy at the store of the arena (note you can not come back after the end of the quest 'The Arena') or at the tailor Snowspire. Once these items in your possession, equip you turn the radiant plate armor, black dress will and holding bandit before you go to the door.

Once the three outfits shown you can access the secret location containing the legendary weapon of mass Puppeteer.