Front Mission 3 Passwords

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Retro game cheats for Front Mission 3 (PS1). Freeola has over 100,000 cheat codes for 12,348 games.

More battle skill activation percentageWhen you are about to hit the enemy Wanzer, quicklypress L1 + R1, Square, L1 + R1,Square, L1 + R1, Square, and keepalternating those buttons.Split pointThe 'split point' in the game is so closeto the start that gamers could play the same story and never knowwhat they did wrong. It occurs when you finish the Wanzer testing.Royogo will ask you if you want to deliver Construction Wanzerswith him. If you go with him you will get Emma's story. If youdo not go with him you will get Alisa's story.JoseWhile playing on Emma's story, when you reach the partwhere Jose is getting attacked and you have to help him, successfullydo the mission without him getting killed. He will join your sideinstead of Li, who usually joins later when you have to stop himfrom getting killed by the RRF.To get the weird Jose in Emma's story, in the Australiane missionlet the Cadenza escape. Then, at Taal Base, chose the Alpine Detour.After you have entered the underground Lab, Jose will be there.Beat them all up, and in the next mission you will get help fromhim.

When you finish that mission he will join you. The strangething is that he will have a Prov PAW1 (instead of a Jinyo MK110),and he will be a rifle type (instead of a machine gunner). Also,you will not get Li.Defeating SerovWhen you fight Serov and his body HP reaches 0, hebecomes insane and starts shooting the other enemies.

However,the body raises its HP to nearly full. But, you do not need tokill him.

You just have to stun him. He will do a bit of the jobfor you, and you do not have to be taking with his missiles. Hisbody HP (if higher than about 75%) will remain the same.

You shoulddo this immediately when the stage starts.Easy simulated moneyGet on the network after you have won a battle andgo to the simulator. Choose who you want to fight. If you win,you will get free money (as much as $700).

If you lose it doesnot matter because it is not real.with alot of money!!!Capturing enemy WanzersTo capture an enemy Wanzer, make him surrender. AnyWanzers that surrendered before the stage is cleared will becomeyours. You can tell if a Wanzer has surrendered by looking atits color. If it is gray, and has a white flag on top of it, ithas surrendered. This does not work, however, for tanks, jeeps,etc., as you can not store them.Although you cannot choose where you will hit your enemy, capturingan enemy Wanzer can be easy.

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If you manage to destroy both armson an enemy Wanzer, he/she will usually lose morale and the word'surrender' will appear on the screen before it switchesback to the battle map. If this happens, leave the disabled Wanzeralone as he/she can no longer attack. If the body HP for the Wanzeris above 150 when both arms are destroyed, the pilot will not(usually) lose morale, and it will be necessary to attack him/heragain.

This will not work if the Wanzer in question is a maincharacter (a character from the manual, or a previously encounteredcharacter) as you have to destroy the Wanzer.If the enemy has surrendered but has not ejected, try attackingone more time. The only problem with this is most of the timetheir HP is so low you cannot attack again without destroyingthem.

Use the following steps to avoid this. Eject from the Wanzerand use your sidearm pistol on the enemy. Since your pistol doesnot do a lot of damage, you can attack until they eject and youcan claim their Wanzer. Note: Do not do this if there are a lotof enemies near by since your pilot cannot withstand a lot ofdamage.Internet/e-mailWhen a character gets a password for a site, writeit down. You eventually want to poke around where you do not belong,and having the passwords written down (possibly broken down bycountry) will make it easier.Klamsky Family Data (RNL)There is a page on the RNL website about the KlamskyFamily. Then password is 'KLAMSKY'.Backup WanzerIf you capture an enemy Wanzer at the end of a battle,keep it. This way, if you lose a Wanzer in your next battle, youhave a spare Wanzer to replace it.

Besides, you do not have toreplace any destroyed parts on a captured Wanzer; they are automaticallyrepaired for you. Just make sure that you add some weapons toit, because your only attack on a captured Wanzer is the HADRBLOW,which is the weakest.Secret WanzerWhen you are in Japan during the coup, visit the Australianspender's page. Select Garbagepit, use the Inferno Dial and type555(XKR)224. Talk to the mysterious person and he will give youa Hoshun Mk112 and a heavy Pulse Gun for free.Inferno Dial entriesHoshun Mk112: 555XKR224Barilar Farm: 123A56BCUnsolved:1TAXHELLBest WanzerWhen you are in Japan during the coup, visit the Australianspender's page.

Select 'Garbagepit', use the InfernoDial and type 555(XKR)224. Talk to the mysterious person and hewill give you a Hoshun Mk112 and a Heavy Pulse Gun. Go and immediatelyupgrade the Hoshun Mk112. Once this is done, put on the HeavyPulse Gun and a Fatil Buster. If you are not able to get the FatilBuster at this time, you will get it soon.


You can either puta backpack on the Hoshun Mk112 or you can put on a power pack.The backpack is preferred because of the distance. Do not puta shoulder weapon there, because it will just make your weightgo down. The Heavy Pulse Gun has the range of 1 and its attackpower is a lot better. Most Wanzers will lose their arm if youhit it. Always use the Wanzer itself - every thing is over 1000hp.Capture a Wanzer 4Have all of your Wanzers with a melee so it will onlyattack one part of the Wanzer. Repeatedly press Down andyou will hit the Wanzer in the legs or the arms 45% of the time.Always try to keep from hitting it in the body - all you needto do is destry both arms.

You can either shoot the Wanzer whenits checks morale or you can surround it. It is better to surroundto avoid accidentally destroying it.Restart a battleSave the game as soon as you start a battle. If youlose, you can reload the save from the beginning of the fightand try a different strategy. This also prevents you from losinga Wanzer that you want to keep.Attack without being attackedIt is possible to attack some Wanzers, depending onhow they are equipped. You can safely attack any Wanzer that isequipped with only a missile launcher or a melee weapon by attackingwith a single square from the enemy Wanzer. Since the missilelauncher cannot attack a target within the first three squaresfrom the Wanzer it is equipped on, and a melee weapon can onlytarget one square away, you can attack with any ranged weaponwithout being counter-attacked.

In the very few and rare caseswhere an enemy soldier has a rocket/missile launcher, the soldierdoes not have this limitation.Increase special attack chanceWhen the game shows the small battle sequence whenyou choose to attack an enemy, press Left, X, Right,X, Left, X and keep repeating the patternat a medium pace as it begins. This increases the chance for yourcharacter to do a special attack (for example, Rofup, AP-30%,Tackle, etc.).

It usually works best for Ryogo.Machine gunAll machine guns only fire 10 rounds at a time. Rememberthis before you attack a strong opponent if your Wanzer is weakor almost dead.Wanzer setupOnce you have at least four wanzers in your party,you should set up the four wanzers differently so that at leastone will have an advantage, regardless of the battle.

You shouldhave at least one of the following weapons in each battle:Machine gunShotgunMissile or grenade launcherRifleAlso make sure that all the Wanzers have a melee weapon equipped,if possible - the Hardblow attack is almost as weak as an ejectedpilot's pistol.As soon as you can buy parts and weapons, the following VictorWanzer setup is effective against everything. Have Kasel M2 arms,Zenislev body, Enyo legs, and a backpack that adds energy.

Equipa missile launcher on one arm and another weapon on the other.You can use better arms just as long as weight is the same. Youcan overpower everything with missiles before it becomes a threat.If you stay in a square formation then you can counterattack youroncoming enemies with more damage, and not use a lot of AP.Kill ejected enemy pilots easierAttack an ejected pilot with a machine gun, shotgunor flamethrower.

Although rifles, missiles, and melee weaponsdo much more damage, you will often miss completely because onlyone shot is fired. However, a machinegun and shotgun will firemultiple times, and the flamethrowers can attack a target at leastfour times.Fighting helicoptersHelicopters are big, but you have a greater chanceof hitting them with a machinegun or shotgun than any other rangedweapon. Missiles, however, can usually hit a helicopter if itis almost out of missile range.Grenade launcherA grenade launcher does not strike one square; it strikesseveral, depending on which type you have. Make sure 'friendly'units are at least two squares from the damage area to preventa 'friendly fire' situation.MIDAS controllerOn the Intrepid website, you can try to download theMIDAS controller, but you will get a download error. The passwordis 'ALICIANA'.HoshunThe Hoshun can carry two Desotos. Missiles will onlyhave a 54% chance of hitting it or equip a Desoto with the HeavyPulse Rifle. If you have the Pulse Rifle equipped, your pilotlearns Body Smash and AP use equals 0.ZenselsaiHave your team made up of four Wanzers with Zensilevbodies, Kasel right arm and legs and a Yongsai left arm.

Put arifle in the left arm, a shield in the right, and an energy packon the back. Then, circulate the Hoshun once you get it so everyonelearns Body Smash. Equip a comp with Activation Up- High. Justremember to bump up Accuracy and Evasive to the maximum, but leaveDefense alone - it is a waste of AP.Keep Battle SkillsSuccessfully complete Emma's or Alisa's story line.Save the game after the credits have completed. Load the savedgame at the title screen to play either story line again withall previously learned Battle Skills.Learning Battle SkillsUse the following a trick to help learn Battle Skillswithout having to worry about losing a battle.

Between missions,go to the network then to the simulator. Once there you can participatein fake battles but gain real skills and experience. You can alsoearn money for winning.Acquire Yun earlier in Emma storylineTo acquire Yun before you reach DHZ, destroy the Cadenzain the Australia mission. After destroying it, Kazuki checks outthe trailer loaded with scientists. One will tell where MIDASwas supposed to be shipped and the other will give you the LeonoraEnt. Then you will go to Sumatra and defend Hatta'sWanzer squad. After all enemies are defeated you will talk tohim and go to Singapore to meet the greatest spender (hacker)of all, MoneyMaker (Yun Lai Fa).Wanzer creationWhen you have the maximum upgrade available you cancompose a great Wanzer with the following parts:Body: Whisk (can be bought)Arms: Shunwang 1 (cannot be bought)Substitute: Kyokei Mk108 (can be bought)Leg: Lenghe 1 (cannot be bought)Substitute: Kasei M2 (can be bought)The substitute parts are not as good as the originals.

This Wanzeris weak against Melee and Missile (unless set to F or I). It isable to carry one maximum weapon, one maximum shield, and onebackpack (If arms are substitute then maximum backpack can becarried). It also has maximum Mobility, maximum Evade, and maximumArmor, and Accuracy is high.Wanzer creationThe best unit you can make has:Body: Mingtain 1 (cannot be bought)Arms: Shunwang (cannot be bought)Legs: Lenghe (cannot be bought)Wanzer creationThe following is a Wanzer you can create when stillin the DHZ that will completely own the enemy. The parts are asfollows:Body: ZenislevArms: Tiadong 3Legs: Tiadong 3The above works well for assault type pilots, but the missilelaunchers are too heavy.

For missile launchers, switch just thebody for the Genie.Combat strategiesTake advantage of high terrain. Kill all pilots thathave ejected and steal their Wanzer. Always try to bring items.Your Wanzer will last longer. At the battles with big Wanzers,yse all Shotgun except for one Neutron gun. Try to hijack thebig Wanzers. Maximum hitpoints are not always the best (exceptfor Hoshun Mk112). Shield are sometimes superior.