Ecco The Dolphin Mega Drive

Ecco The Dolphin Mega Drive 7,2/10 6273 reviews

Play Ecco the Dolphin Online, Ecco the Dolphin Sega Genesis / Mega Drive game online through your browser including the old original classic and also new hacked ROMs.

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Category: AdventureAction
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Hello this faq It's dedicated to Eccothe Dolphin, released in europe during summer'92 and '93 in the USA.It was created by Ed.Annuziata.Ecco was report as a very hard game, that punish you for every mistakebut even now, people still play it and enjoy it a lot.I will be clear and put down a misapprehension for those who don't know whatkind of game it is, this is not a game where you play a cute dolphin and divewith your friends, we all know the story back in the time where your momcame back and said something like this.' Hey son i bought a game for you, look the cute dolphin'In fact this game is nothing but cute, it's an illusion.But don't be afraid, this game is awesome and the background/story is reallyinteresting. And now to the main should I start?. Mm let's say. I will talk aboutglitches in this game, how hard they can be, executions tipsand much more. This is actualy a truly weird glitch, and i don't knowhow it works, but in my own theory the game got something like'exit the level code' when you did it.Actualy this glitch works on every level, except for autoscrolling stages(the tube and welcome to the machine)here's what this glitch do.

When you use your sonar map on some areas of themap after exiting the 'sonar map' you will exit the level.However this glitch workson two levels (as far as I know, but i'm sure there's no more levels),if you want to do it on every stage you must use the'camera freeze clip'The reason is simple, this glitch only triggers if you are precisely at theopposite side of the exit, and at the very end of the map(meaning there's nothing after that, if you bypass wall). Yes you read it right, you can skip the lagoon level.This glitch was found very late by me at the end of 2010.That is the first hard-to-do glitch. And now we move to the broken glitch of the game. This glitch is so brokenthat I even refuse to use it!First you must know that it works on every level, except on autoscrolling area(the tube and the machine) it's also pointless to do it on 'open ocean'.What this glitch allows?.

Well it allows to. A graphical glitch to do on the vortex queen.It does nothing to the gameplay.First here's how the final battle works on the game.The vortex has got 4 parts you must destroy,first is the eye there's two of them and require8 to 10 sonar hits. More a glitch than a short cut.

Anyway, after have you passedthe first crystal there's a swarm of fishes, with some jelly fishes,upward there's the area with the star eater that destroy rockand thoses sting ray, this shortcut allows to bypass that area with thestar eaterto do it, instead of going upgo down you will see a small area with a red crab, kill it first.Now swing up diagonaly and eventualy you will get stuck into the wall.Don't panic! Just up+right and wait a few secondsuntil you are out on the other side.If you also hold 'C' it makes the process faster. This one was found very recently, this is not really a glitchbut a shortcut that makes the level way shorter.At the start of the level swim down,then left where the crushing ice block is Pass those two and go to the rightwhere the end of the level is.Now swim at the top of the wall, you may notice a small edge now try to swiminto it.It can be a little hard to pass, try to go slowly.Fews things may append here.1. You got stuck, just hold up+right and C until you can move inside the wall3. You are inside the wall!

You win just swim to up right to the end ofthe level. Ahem, ok now we move to something we can call 'dafuq?' Because this glitch is so weird that im thinking if the progammer put it intentionally in the game or not.This is also the easiest glitch to do in the game, the most easiest to found but also the most random of the list.Basicaly, what it does?, it grant absolute invincibility status for ecco.

Nothing can kill you absolutly nothing. Also this glitch will work for the whole game.Like i said this is an easy glitch to trigger, just mash A and start. But like i said (again) this is totaly random, sometimes it will work sometimes it will not work. Random to the absolute.Now go forth and conquer the machine AFK. Are you YSG?A. NO (and is name is Blueglass)Q.

Who found thoses glitch?A. Itresad and Myself are the one who found most of the glitch. The one who found the sonar map exit is unknow, along with the crystal skip bypass. Also Kaimen form caverns of hope found the ridge water shortcut.Q.

I noticed something wrong how can i contact you?A. Best way to contact me is on twitch or if you send mean email make sure the subjet is 'ecco' or 'ecco glitch'Q. Why is your grammar so wrong?A. I can't do this glitch the faq is wrong!A. Some of them are really hard do to, get used to it.Q. Can i translate your faq?A.

If i want a translation, i may ask some people i know.Q. How about the pc version?A. Updated in V1.1 now its here.Q. What is 'ios'?A. The ios version is the iphone / ipad versionQ. What is 'sega smash pack'?The game boy advance version of the game, it was a cartridgewith some other sega games. This is the worst version of ecco!and you may lose sanity if you play it.

Only one musicis played during the whole game!Q. What is 'Xbox live'?A. That's the version you can found on the xbox live arcade.This is the best virtual release of this gameQ. Is the virtual version on the wii console good enough?A. Yes and no, actualy the pal version is horrible. It runs at 50hzThe pal version also got slowdowns when it was supposedto be lag free, i will say the pal version of the wii virutal consoleis one of the worst virtualisations of this game.The virtual version from the US Wii storeis very good and does not suffer like the pal version do.Also you may know that this is the same for the PS3 collection.The pal version suffers of the same problemQ. What about the gba version?A.

You lost your sanity by playing ecco on the gba didn't you?and yes i tested the glitch on this one too!Q. What about the 3DS version?A. I don't have a 3DS and it was only relased in japan #FreeRegionLock.Want my paypal adress:P?But since i'm kinda crazy and will probaly get a japanese 3DSfor monster hunter 4, i will get this version and update the faqQ. You didn't cover those levels in the sega CD version, will you?A. No, but i guess only the horizontal (or vertical)camera freeze clip will workQ. Can i use some of them in ecco the tides of time?A.

No because it's a different game all of thoses glitches won't workMaking a section or a faq for just how to skip the eagle bay level(i am the one who found this glitch) is not necessaryQ. I found a glitch, how can i send it to you?A. Contact me on twitch.Q. On these videos we can see a gamepad with the input you did onscreen, where can i find that?A. It's a skin i did for a japanese tool called 'paddlelight'.