Blasphemous Rumours

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Blasphemous Rumours / Somebody
Chart Position (UK): 16

Any blasphemous rumours But I think that God's Got a sick sense of humour And when I die I expect to find Him laughing. Girl of 18 Fell in love with everything Found new life In Jesus Christ Hit by a car Ended up On a life support machine. Summer's day As she passed away Birds were singing In the summer sky Then came the rain And once again A.

Mute 7 BONG 7
UK 7 inch single, released October 29th, 1984
this is a commercial release.

Side 1
Blasphemous Rumours

Side 2
Somebody (Remix)

Mute 7 BONG 7E
UK 7 inch extended play [e.p.] single, released 1984
this is a commercial release.

Side 1
Blasphemous Rumours
Told You So (Live Version)

Side 2
Somebody (Remix)
Everything Counts (Live Version)

Mute 12 BONG 7
UK 12 inch single, released 1984
this is a commercial release.

Side 1
Blasphemous Rumours

Side 2
Somebody (Live)
Two Minute Warning (Live)
Ice Machine (Live)
Everything Counts (Live)

Mute CD BONG 7
UK CD maxi single, from the Singles Box Set #2 [disc #12], released November 25th, 1991
this is a commercial release.

Blasphemous Rumours
Told You So (Live)
Somebody (Remix)
Everything Counts (Live)

Sire / Reprise 40300-2
US CD maxi single, from the Singles Box Set #2 [disc #12], released November 26th, 1991
this is a commercial release.

Blasphemous Rumours
Told You So (Live)
Somebody (Remix)
Everything Counts (Live)

Reprise CD BONG 7 / R2 78890F
US CD maxi single, from the Singles Box Set #2 [disc #12], released March 30th, 2004
this is a commercial release.

Blasphemous Rumours
Told You So (Live)
Somebody (Remix)
Everything Counts (Live)

Sire PRO-A-2271
US promotional 12 inch single, released 1993
this is a promotional release, and was not for sale.

Side 1
Blasphemous Rumours (Edit) [5:06]

Side 2
Something To Do (LP Version) [3:45]
(Set Me Free) Remotivate Me (Edit) [4:13]


The first UK e.p. (extended play) single released by Depeche Mode. Also, the first UK 'double 'A' side' single.

The live tracks were recorded at the Empire Theatre, Liverpool, on September 29th, 1984.

The two 'Edit' versions on the US promotional 12 inch single are actually the 'Single' versions, mislabeled by Sire.

Select a single by clicking on a single cover below..

Dreaming Of Me
New Life
Just Can't Get Enough
See You
The Meaning Of Love
Leave In Silence
Get The Balance Right
Everything Counts (1983)
Love, In Itself
People Are People
Master And Servant
Blasphemous Rumours / Somebody
Shake The Disease
It's Called A Heart
Stripped / But Not Tonight
A Question Of Lust
A Question Of Time
Never Let Me Down Again
Behind The Wheel
Little 15
Strangelove '88
Everything Counts (from 101)
Personal Jesus
Enjoy The Silence
Policy Of Truth
World In My Eyes
I Feel You / One Caress
Walking In My Shoes
In Your Room
Barrel Of A Gun
It's No Good
Only When I Lose Myself
Dream On
I Feel Loved
Goodnight Lovers
Enjoy The Silence 04
A Pain That I'm Used To
Suffer Well
John The Revelator / Lilian
Hole To Feed / Fragile Tension
Personal Jesus 2011
Behind The Wheel 2011
Soothe My Soul
Should Be Higher
Where's The Revolution
Going Backwards
Cover Me

Disclaimer: The HP world is my playground and nothing more.A/N: When better to perform a fanciful foray into Lumione than right before the end? My thanks to thehalflie for making this much better than it might have been.Blasphemous RumoursHe should have killed her the first time he laid eyes on her. Ofcourse, they had been in a bookshop at the time, full of witnesseswho would be more than pleased at the opportunity to testify againsthim, but he ought to have known then the sort of trouble she wouldcause him. It wasn't as though his son had ever suggestedotherwise; all of the information he needed to arrive at thisconclusion had been placed at his fingertips for years.Then, again, three years later in the Department of Mysteries he hadbeen given another opportunity, yet held off.

He had spenttwenty-six months in Azkaban, swearing that the first opportunity hehad to wring her tiny Mudblood neck, he would—quiteliterally—snatch it.Unfortunately, before he could do so, she saved his life.It wasn't as though she had wanted him to live, or had even actedconsciously. Both of them just happened to be at the final showdownbetween Harry and the Dark Lord and she had seen a man in Death Eaterrobes aim a curse at an unidentified figure in the crowd. Actingpurely on instinct, she tackled him and they both watched as thegreen stream of Avada Kedavra sailed over their heads.In retrospect, she wondered why she hadn't recognised his hair fromthe distance, but put it down to bad lighting, panic, and closing hereyes as she lunged.Once she had recovered her breath, she glanced down, to notice with astifling sense of horror whose life she had saved. Only one word hadescaped her mouth in response to the situation: 'Fuck.' Burger island 2 free download.

From here, there are a number of hypothetical scenarios that mighthave taken place. Lucius might have recovered his wits and hexed herinto oblivion, Hermione might have done likewise, or they might havegazed into each other's eyes and, amidst the raging chaos aroundthem, recognised some sort of shared lust that would overcome them ata later, more convenient time. Unfortunately—or, perhapsfortunately, depending on one's point of view—none of these tookplace: the first because Lucius was clever enough to realise that henow owed her a life debt, thus making attempted murder an unwisecourse of action, and the second because Hermione also realised thisand wanted to only one-up him on equal footing.The third simply didn't bear thinking about.The battle ended without offering Lucius the opportunity to returnthe favour, and, as he preferred not to owe anyone anything, he beganhis campaign of releasing himself from the clutches of HermioneGranger. Hermione, who had never planned to hold anyone in herclutches in the first place, was just as irritated about thesituation, as it forced her to spend far more time in his companythan would be otherwise necessary while he attempted to place her in,then rescue her from, mortal danger.After eight months of ducking into shops in Knockturn Alley that shewouldn't otherwise be caught dead in when she saw the swingingblonde hair approach and checking behind the shower curtain everytime she went to the loo, she was, quite frankly, fully prepared toignore the Ministry's full pardon and kill him herself. That, shehad decided in a fit of rage, would negate the life debt quitenicely.However, as Hermione was generally not of the murderous sort andpreferred to stay out of Azkaban, she opted for the slightly lesssatisfying but more legal option of meeting him to discuss thesituation over lunch.' I assume that I have you to thank for the charming locale?'

Hermione scowled as she slid into her seat; of course he would behere before her. 'I thought that you might appreciate the privacy.The press hasn't been particularly kind to you of late.' 'Nor to you, I've noticed,' he countered.' Still, this meeting would be a larger blow to your reputation thanto mine.'

In spite of herself, Hermione did a quick scan about the restaurantfor beetles. The last thing that she wanted to read about overbreakfast tomorrow morning was her sordid affair with Lucius Malfoy.Reminding herself that she was attempting to strike a deal with him,she gritted her teeth and smiled.

'I do apologise for putting youin the absolutely horrible position of being forced to dine in aMuggle restaurant, but can you think of a single place in Britainthat we could have this conversation undisturbed?' He suggested blithely, arching an eyebrow as he took asip of his water.' Absolutely not.' She ended the conversation by flipping open the menu and scanning theentrees, refusing to make eye contact.

Neither of them wanted to behere, so it would be best to get this over with. She had stillretained some hope for the meeting to be a quick and relativelypainless execution, when he decided to make a fuss about the wine.'

Will you have anything to drink with that?' It had been such asimple question, really. Unfortunately, its simplicity had Hermionelonging to bury her head in her hands.' And what would you recommend as a pairing with this particularvintage? Miss Granger, I believe that is what you wereplanning to order.' She bit back the response that she would like to move past theplanning stage and actually eat the meal. At this rate, they wouldstill be on the second page of the wine list for weeks and the worstbit was that their waitress was leaning over him with a rapt smilethat gave the impression that she had never met anyone quite likehim, thoroughly unaware that she was giving him prime viewingposition of her cleavage.'

You say that it has chicken? I'm afraid that won't do. No,it's only the chicken that I don't like. The pesto, then,without chicken. Tofu replacement? Why, that's simplyfascinating. We'll each have one of those.

And, yes, the wholebottle, please.' After sitting through nearly half an hour of this, Hermione couldn'tcare less what he had ordered for her, even if it did include theword 'tofu'. The hole in her stomach was markedly larger witheach passing moment, and she had to fight the urge to covet thebreadbasket.'

I take it that you have learned to live with the currentarrangements?' She inquired tartly, giving in and snatching a pieceof foccacia.' They are passable,' he agreed. 'But no more talk of trifles.You clearly had something in mind when you invited me here.' She sighed heavily. 'Yes, I did.' He gazed at her expectantly, with a hint of sarcasm, and she grewannoyed at the way his features were perfectly poised all over again.'

I want you to stop trying to save my life when it doesn't needsaving.' 'But, my dear, that piano that fell from the fourth floor in DiagonAlley might have resulted in something dreadful—'Had I not just happened to be walking slightly faster than wascalculated?' It wouldn't have been a concern, hadyou not paid Ollivander's assistant to drop it for you.'

'I did have to pay a considerable fine for damages to the street,'he agreed. 'That was rather foolish of me.' 'I should have just let you die,' she moaned, not caring that shehad voiced her thoughts loudly enough for the next table to hear her.It earned her a shocked look from two gossiping middle-aged women,but she hardly cared.' Might I remind you that, at the time, I was on your side?' Hepointed out.' That's hardly the point. Anyway, you must admit that this isgetting ridiculous.'

He tipped his head in agreement.' And I know that you want to be free of this silly life debtas much as I do.'

'I'm surprised that you felt the need to state the fact.' 'Never underestimate the stupidity of your opponent,' she shotback and he made a noise that might have been deemed a snort from alesser man. 'Anyway, I've been reading up on the subject and, asit turns out, there is a way to break the bond—'Curse,' he interjected darkly.' —without my life having to be compromised.' 'But that was really the only part of this that Ienjoyed.'

'The sacrifices we make,' she replied coolly. 'There is aritual that we can perform, only if both parties consent to bereleased from it.' As a ray of hope spread across his face, sheadded, 'Unfortunately for you, I have terms.'

She could tell that he was disappointed that she wasn't thateager to rid herself of him. 'That was depressingly deceptiveof you, my dear,' he remarked. 'I assume that they arenon-negotiable?' 'Very much so.

I require a substantial favour.' 'No,' he said flatly, although there were the beginnings of asmirk touching the corners of his lips. I realise thatyou must be eager to find a reason to end your relationship with theWeasley, but I refuse to sleep with you to demonstrate what peoplewith healthy sex lives experience.' If she hadn't been so horribly offended, she might have laughed.' Actually, I broke up with him six months ago' She trailedoff as she realised that he had been baiting her.' I see someone else taught you that lesson, then?' 'That is absolutely none of your business,' she snapped.

Therewas no way in hell that she was telling him her sexual history, evenif he was absolutely correct in his guess.' It's alright,' he said, in a falsely soothing tone. 'Severusalready told me all about it.' Torn between mortification and fury, she clenched her jaw and willedherself not to respond. A few deep breaths later, and she couldspeak again without causing a scene.'

Believe it or not, my sex life is not the topic at hand,' sheinformed him. 'Although I may have just changed my mind about whoI want to publicly humiliate.' 'Ah,' Lucius smiled. It was an expression that made her want toshudder, although not entirely out of horror. It was also the lookof one conspirator to another, a look of understanding. 'Then it'sto be revenge, is it?' Almost imperceptibly, her expression both hardened and relaxedsimultaneously.

'That it is.' In spite—or perhaps because—of Granger's precautions, Luciuswoke up the next morning to a picture of him and Granger sittingacross from each other in the corner of a restaurant on the cover ofthe Daily Prophet's Saturday special edition. Her head was thrownback in laughter and he wore an expression of distinct amusement; itwas the perfect opportunity for the press to start a new chain ofgossip and a perfect reminder of the accord that they had reached.Not surprisingly, he was able to recall that moment with glisteningaccuracy in his mind—Granger had just described to him intantalising detail her fantasy of plucking Rita Skeeter's beetlelegs off one by one.

He had been forced to confess that he had oftenindulged in the same thought.At any rate, this was the perfect opportunity to put their plan intomotion. They had already discussed how to best go about creating asuitably sized scandal, but it seemed that the situation had alreadybeen created for them.As a cup of tea and his breakfast appeared before him, a contentedsmile stretched across his face. He folded the paper and placed inthe empty chair next to him.

Granger, he assumed, would be more thanwilling to do all of the work. He only need sit back and watchthings fall into place in an aesthetically pleasing manner.On any other day, Hermione would have been furious. This article,however, had been more or less a godsend. She hadn't wanted theirmeeting to be made public, lest someone guess what its true intenthad been, but the article left little room for doubt. Besides,society was depressingly shallow enough to eat it up, with room foraperitifs and dessert.A pop in her fireplace informed her that the explosion was alreadybeginning.' Hermione,' Ron's voice yelped, 'please tell me that it isn'ttrue.'

'What are you on about?' You and Malfoy.'

He was practically choking on the words.Lovely. Not only was she trapped in a lifelong friendship with herfirst formal boyfriend, but she was going to be forced to deal withhis spittle as well. Absolutely sodding lovely.' You know perfectly well that Draco and I are nothing more thangood friends,' she replied, enjoying the frustration that wasmarring his features.It occurred to her at times that she might be a touch bitter abouttheir relationship—she had only slept with Snape after walking inon him and Lavender—but comforted herself with the knowledge thatyes, the sex had been that bad.' No, not Draco! She remained diplomatically silent. Ron had a horrible habit ofassuming the worst, and she intended to exploit that to the fullest.'

Aren't you concerned about it?' Mildly puzzled was the strongest emotion that she let show.

Let himthink what he would.' Hermione Granger, you have to be kidding me.' The outrage wasfar less satisfying, she found, than the disbelief that anyone elsecould ever replace him in her heart.

Granted, Lucius Malfoy was abit of a stretch, but he was much better looking than Snape had everbeen and even Ron had been forced to accept the fact that she hadshagged him.' Don't go anywhere. I'm getting Harry and we're coming overthere,' he commanded, disappearing from sight.It was purely by chance that Lucius arrived before either of them.Both of them, it seemed, had shared the brilliant idea of keepingtheir stories straight, and, as she had frantically paced through herkitchen, the buzzer for her flat began to ring. Assuming it wasHarry and Ron, she opened the door to the building without speakingand, with a sigh, waited in the hall.She had never been more shocked to see the top of a blond headascending the stairs before in her life.' Why on earth are you here?' She exclaimed, receiving a scowl inreturn.' I'm only here to make sure that you don't, in some misguidedattempt to salvage your reputation, ruin the golden opportunitythat's been placed in your hands.'

She snorted, gesturing him into her flat. 'After the last sixmonths, I have no reputation to speak of, so I wouldn't even bothertrying.' 'Isn't that what this whole endeavour is about?' Sighing heavily, she replied, 'No. I thought that I made itperfectly clear yesterday; I'm in this for the revenge.

RitaSkeeter has managed to worm her way back into freelancing for theDaily Prophet and it's partly my fault. I want to ensure that shenever works again.' He was looking at her oddly, but before she could ask what it meant,he was giving her a nod of approval.' Anyway,' she continued, suddenly finding herself at a bafflingshortage of words. 'Harry and Ron are on their way here, so ifwe're going to get our stories straight, we ought to do it now.' A moment later, both of them were in dressing gowns, and Hermione wasopening and closing her mouth furiously.'

I don't think that the story could be made straighter,' heremarked, stretching himself along her couch. 'Now if you wouldn'tmind joining me'Mutinously, although willing to admit that he had a better grasp onthe world of manipulation, she sat stiffly next to him.

With a softtutting noise, he grasped her firmly by the waist and pulled her sothat she was curled up next to him.' Relax,' he whispered in her ear, in a tone that managed to bothbe irritating and soothing at once. 'Even silly boys can beperceptive on occasion.' Something about the way he purred 'silly boys' made her mind jumpto other things, which only caused her to tense further.' Maybe they'll just think that they've set me off,' sheremarked, not wanting to have to appear to enjoy languishing in theembrace of Lucius Malfoy.' Have they ever displayed a level of perception that advanced?' He scoffed.Conceding the point, she forced her muscles to go limp, muttering,'If you even think about groping me, I'll hex your ballsoff.'

It was hardly something that he broadcasted loudly or frequently, butLucius Malfoy had never been a fan of shrinking violets. Narcissa,in spite of her public appearance, could hardly be described as one,which was why she had had the audacity to offer to divorce him in thefirst place, and, while Hermione Granger could be described a greatmany things, bossy and irritable among those, a comparison of herpersonality to any sort of flower was certainly not one of them. Thesituation that they were in amused him terribly, and the fact thatshe was squirming uncomfortably in his arms only added to hissatisfaction.His enjoyment only multiplied as the other two thirds of the GoldenTrio came bursting through the door, looking murderous. Oddlyenough, this was the situation that finally enabled Granger to relaxproperly, bringing her into direct contact with his erection. Thetouch of pink that coloured her cheeks was the only sign that shenoticed it, and he applauded her mentally. Some of the doubt abouther ability to behave discreetly seeped away; the rest dissolved whenshe rolled over and pressed her mouth over his in a surprisinglyinsistent kiss.Before she turned to deal with the invaders, she lowered her lips tohis ear and hissed, 'Don't think that you're about to get awaywith anything, you dirty old man.'

It wasn't meant as anything but a threat, but it made him smirkanyway. In less than a day, she had managed to almost entirelyreverse nearly all of his previously held opinions about her and hehad a new goal, in addition to ridding himself of the life debt.Sleeping with Granger wouldn't be completely necessary, but heliked to think that even semi-reformed, ex-Death Eaters deserved alittle fun now and then. Not to mention that she had a delightfullyfirm arse.The second that they had left, she was on her feet, ranting. Thewords that were pouring out of her mouth had never even beenconsciously thought, and she was dimly aware of the fact that the manon her couch seemed entirely too entertained by her fury.' Are you certain that it's the press you want revenge on?' She ignored him, continuing on her tirade against interfering friendsand ex-boyfriends.

Halfway through a sentence, she was interruptedby another buzzer. Entirely forgetting her train of thought, she ranto the window and looked down at the entrance.' How do you feel about moving our relationship to the next level?' She asked, transfiguring her dressing gown back into her normalrobes.He raised an eyebrow.

Blasphemous rumours depeche mode

'Miss Granger, I hardly feel like we'vemastered this particular aspect of it. Are you sure that you'reemotionally—'Oh, shut up,' she snarled. 'Molly Weasley's down there andif I have to listen to another one of her sermons, I might actuallygo after her with the bread knife.' 'Point taken. I take it that you shall accompany me to MalfoyManor?'

He really was quite fetching when chastised, she remarked mentally.She would have to try it more often.Half-guiltily, she excused the inappropriateness of the thought byreminding herself that the entire situation was too far out ofcontrol to maintain any sort of standards. At any rate, the threatof having one's ear chewed off by Molly Weasley was enough to makeanyone look attractive.Without even bothering to change his clothing back to what it hadbeen, he was across the room and linking his arm through hers beforeshe could open her mouth again.Later, when Hermione had the luxury of a private bedroom in LuciusMalfoy's well, he called it a house, but she thought of it as amoderately large castle, she would have time to reflect on the nextcourse of action and perhaps even conclude that both of them hadoverreacted slightly. A single news article was hardly cause foralarm.Still, Lucius had only made the front page of the Daily Prophet whensent to Azkaban, and the closest Hermione had ever come was the thirdpage in—she didn't count the one mention of her name in thearticle about Harry Potter's triumph over Voldemort—so theirconcern was hardly unprecedented.Reflection, however, was a luxury that she would not be able toafford for quite some time, as her host was busy arranging a room forher to stay in, ensuring that it was properly aired out and that thebed sheets were fresh.