The Count Lucanor

The Count Lucanor 6,4/10 7955 reviews

NOTE: 'fire room' is actually a green room, not blue.If I tell you to go to the West Red room, it'll be 'Chest room'; North–West Blue room is 'Floor Trap room', and so on. You won't need the map as long as you can comprehend the 4 basic compass directions.Oh, and if it wasn't obvious, always have your torch equipped when navigating the Castle's darkness (unless I say otherwise).Talk to Merchant to receive Blue Key and Letter 1/10.

Lucanor et de Patronio (1328–35; Count Lucanor: or, The Fifty Pleasant Stories of Patronio, 1868), a treatise on morals in the form of 50 short tales, in which Count Lucanor asks questions of his counsellor. The work was written in a lucid and straightforward manner, with an informal and personal.

Save, quit, back up (Vita save 1/6) (Use 1 Gold on the water fountain; I won't mention this again). Save soul(If you die at any point, 'Continue' to load your most recent save)Go North and speak with Kobold 2 times. After dialogue, enter Blue room to your left.Floor Trap room (1/9)There are obvious traps on the floor which essentially create a maze. Just avoid them & perhaps walk a bit slower.Go right & upwards; open chest to grab 1 Gold.Continue forward & open the big chest for Letter 2/10.exit the room, then go East & enter another Blue room.Crate room (2/9).

Activate the switch to confirm his name, then enter the new area. A weird nameNote: Sometimes the game glitches here & your screen just goes black. If this happens, wait for a few minutes & it should fix itself.Climax: Navigating the DepthsYou're about 10m from beating the game, but don't let your guard down – there's new shit that can kill you. Avoid the tiny worms crawling on the ground. There are also huge worm enemies that can 1–shot KO you, but their vision is a straight line, so just stay at their sides.Go right & up.

Please don't open that bloody chest.Talk to the man 'J.F.' To receive 1 Gold.Open chest to grab 2 bread.

Epilogue: Cheesing the 5 EndingsAfter you get each ending, reload the last save you made. Tip: you can skip cutscenes with Options if you don't care.Go to the plant; climb it.After dialogue, interact with throne to sit on it. Ending: The kobold's trickReload save.Climb the plant.When you're supposed to sit on the throne, equip the Snake Ring.After the dialogue, sit on the throne. I don't believe a thing Ending: The pact with the koboldReload save.Climb the plant.Instead of sitting on the throne, go to its side and push it to reveal a secret door; enter it. Could it have all been just a dream?Follow the path back to your house; stay very close to your dog to avoid game crashes/corruption.The Donkey should be around here; feed it 1 apple. Shit happensEnter your house & talk to your mother. Ending: Poor but happyReload save.Go back to the upper–left cave where you grabbed the blood bucket.Enter the house.Use worm on the cake.

DeliciousUse your butterfly net to catch it; receive butterfly jewel. Crown jewelClimb the plant.Instead of sitting on throne, exit via secret door.Head along the path, but when you see the rock (after the Merchant), go upwards to find the castle wall.Use crowbar to open the grate (top–left); enter.Use butterfly jewel to open the next door.Loot all 4 chests, then try to leave the area. Now you are richYou should see Giulia on the way out; talk to her to receive a badge. From apprentice to masterGo inside your house & talk to your mom. Ending: Wealth without answersReload save.Repeat all of the above steps, with 1 adjustment: use the Snake Ring in the throne room to learn the truth. Ending: A prosperous future.

Janitorial Mop–upStart a new game.Give bone to dog; follow path.Ignore everybody, especially the Shepherd, and you'll eventually reach the graveyard.Interact with the top gravestone. Great walkthrough! A little tip though for the final Hide and Seek trophy at the end of the walkthrough. I found instead of starting from the first fountain save, I just loaded one of the other fountain ones and just bought the key from that save (As long as you have looted all the chests up to that point and followed the walkthrough, after the 4 manual saves you will have 12 coins left).

Then I went and got the mirror and gave it to the big mirror. Then I just collected one more letter and the time said 330 so I went up to his room and hid and bam trophy popped that way. The save I loaded was the 4th fountain save.

Great walkthrough! A little tip though for the final Hide and Seek trophy at the end of the walkthrough. I found instead of starting from the first fountain save, I just loaded one of the other fountain ones and just bought the key from that save (As long as you have looted all the chests up to that point and followed the walkthrough, after the 4 manual saves you will have 12 coins left). Then I went and got the mirror and gave it to the big mirror. Then I just collected one more letter and the time said 330 so I went up to his room and hid and bam trophy popped that way. The save I loaded was the 4th fountain, i've added that to the guidethanks guys, glad it worked.

Top spin 4 ps3 torrent. That port has finally hit the digital shelf, and PS4 players will be able to take on the role of a young, doe-eyed boy named Hans and experience a unique adventure they may have missed otherwise. Hiding is often the only way to survive.It is Hans’ tenth birthday, and he dreams of being a great adventurer and treasure hunter. He is a poor boy of humble beginnings whose father has gone off to war, and his mother can’t even afford a toy for him. Hans, oddly being too spoiled for a child of such meager origins, is having none of this, and is determined to leave and start his own adventure; he is a man now, after all.From his journey through the woods, meeting an old woman and her pet pig, to his encounter with fellow treasure hunter, Giulia, his conversations with this eclectic cast of characters reveal a story of a haunting coming of age for young Hans. It is up to the player to decide how Hans interacts with each and every character, whether he helps them out by giving them an item they ask for, deciding their fate, or ignoring their request completely.

Startling poor Giulia during her candlelight research.These interactions are what truly give The Count Lucanor its charm and drive the story, and ultimately determine how the game progresses and which of the five endings will be available once players make it to the game’s revelatory climax, so you will have to choose carefully how you behave.This is one of the most impressive features of The Count Lucanor and like it, as trying multiple playthroughs in different ways reveal a vast combination of paths to progress and conversations to be had. Some characters may not even be discovered on the first or second time through, depending on if Hans gives one of the other characters a certain item they ask for. There are many ways to solve several of the castle’s puzzles.The dialogue, though well written, suffers a little in the English translation.

Sometimes odd grammatical arrangements of phrases common in English may require a double or triple read-through, but overall nothing is ever lost or difficult to understand. The game isn’t all talk and decision making, however.

The meat of The Count Lucanor lies within the walls of the Count’s Castle Tenebre itself. Upon discovering the castle, Hans meets a mysterious blue kobold, who proposes a singular challenge to him. Guess his name, and Hans will be the new heir to the Count’s vast fortune. The mysterious Blue Kobold begins his game.Unbelieving of his luck, Hans eagerly accepts the challenge and players will then need to delve into the depths of the castle’s many rooms, solving puzzles, dodging fiery and spiky traps, and collecting the kobold’s name letters from a gold chest in each room upon solving (or surviving) the challenges within.Traps aren’t the only horrors that will await players, as the Count’s servants roam the halls and rooms, eager to carry on their duties and dismember any would-be treasure hunters.

Enemies can pull you towards them for a gruesome attack.The Count Lucanor’s graphics are classic pixel art style, and it is extremely well done. Even the cutscenes are a beautiful mix of pixel art and anime. All items, people, and animals are immediately recognizable, and early on the fauna of the forest react to Hans’ approach and hide, adding to the immersive quality. After night falls, the horrifying scenes and setpieces are beautifully rendered on this bloody pixel canvas, elucidating much glee from me and I’m sure will from many other fans of the macabre.

As I mentioned earlier, the soundtrack of The Count Lucanor consists of chiptune remakes of composer Johann Sebastian Bach’s lesser known music. These serve as very bright but somber reminders of the setting, and work well to compliment the graphics, bringing players back to an era of 8-bit gaming.

The ambient sound effects are much higher in quality, adding to the immersion and even aiding the player, as the enemies whispers become louder the closer you get to them. The only immersion breaking glitches I encountered were sometimes a song would cut out abruptly, or the fire traps were overwhelmingly loud all at once. Helping the castle’s other occupants usually yields helpful items or clues.The Count Lucanor plays in a top-down view, and players move Hans around to interact with people, levers, and all manner of objects.

The type of interaction is identified with an icon appearing over Han’s head, such as an “eye” for an observation, or a “hand” to interact or pick up an item.In classic adventure game fashion, the crux of the design requires players to explore everywhere, more often than not picking up items to be used later upon backtracking to a previous location, and using the correct item to advance. Players can cycle through most of the items on screen that will require use in these context sensitive locations, or can open the menu and select from the inventory.There is no limit to the inventory size, which is handy because players will want plenty of gold coins, candles, and various food items (which restore health or can be given to certain NPC’s), all of which are necessary to survive the night. Gold coins serve as the currency for saving, similar to the typewriter ribbons from classic games.

Players will have to drop a coin into the fountain of the gardens, making a deal with the Raven to save Hans’ soul from Death itself should he fall prey to a creature or trap. They are limited in quantity, so players will need to plan their saves carefully, as there is also a merchant in the gardens that has items for sale that may be necessary to progress the story (again depending on how you decide to play; there is more than one way to skin a kobold). Choose when you save wisely.Candles are integral to Hans ability to traverse the castle.

Most of the rooms are pitch black, and many times the only source of light will be from the candle Hans is carrying when it is selected from his inventory. Players can place a candle down anywhere they want, essentially becoming a separate stationary light source.

They can be used to mark paths or illuminate a dark corner, which may contain a monster at a later time. They last the entire game once placed, but there are only a set amount in the castle, so it is important to pick carefully where they are placed for best effect. Some rooms do have sconces within, which can be lit and provide a brighter light than the candle without using one.

Enemies don’t need the candle light to see you.Though players are at a disadvantage in the dark, the servants roaming the halls are not, and can see Hans with or without the light if he enters their line of vision. Upon seeing him, they will attempt to pull Hans close to attack. There is no form of combat, so your only option is to run away or attempt to hide behind curtains or under a table, or escape the room entirely. Other enemy types, such as the angry carnivorous goats, chase down Hans to bite, so careful maneuvering on the player’s part can sometimes be used to dodge.The AI of the servant enemies can be wonky though, as there are times you can enter their field of vision, and they keep walking away, or even walk right next to them and they never notice or attack. Sometimes upon entering the main hall, there will be two servants randomly in front of the door you need to enter next, and can make for a frustrating encounter. The macabre setting is portrayed perfectly, and sometimes hilariously.The movement of Hans is basic, though at times I found myself stuck on the odd corner here and there.

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Perhaps most irritating was during times of dialogue, when I wanted to move after the dialogue box had closed, but my input wasn’t registered while it was open, and I was pulled in or damaged by an enemy. I even died on a fire trap once or twice as a dialogue box popped up while I was walking over an unlit grate.With all this in mind, the most important feature of the game, the survival horror aspect, is well paced and the suspense of wandering the halls of Castle Tenebre is edge-of-your-seat terrifying goodness. The disturbing imagery and enemies pay homage well to other games in the genre, both and Though admittedly this feeling will be lost eventually on the second playthrough (if you’re going for the multiple endings), the first time through garners enough surprises and challenges to keep players guessing (and terrified of) what hides behind the next door. Life or death decisions must often be made split-second.The first playthrough of The Count Lucanor will probably last about 5 hours, depending on how much you explore and how quickly you solve the puzzles. Subsequent playthroughs will end up much quicker, which is helpful due to one unfortunate topic that I need to address here.As we all know ports can sometimes be difficult to publish due to various programming constraints and differences in platform architecture, especially for small teams and indie devs. This port of The Count Lucanor is no exception, and as of this writing the day one patch address most of these issues, however there are still frame rate drops that simply shouldn’t be present in a pixel art game, and more importantly at one point towards the end of the game, I had saved and the frame rate became choppy, which led to a crash and a corrupted save data. This meant I had to start over completely, as my last backup to the cloud was from a previous run entirely.

This crash happened several more times, though I only lost the save data the first time.