Attack On Titan 2 Switch

Attack On Titan 2 Switch 9,0/10 583 reviews

'Attack on Titan 2' is coming to the Nintendo Switch.

Attack on Titan 2 videos - Watch Attack on Titan 2 Nintendo Switch videos, movies, trailers, gameplay clips, video game reviews, interviews and more at IGN. Attack On Titan 2 For Switch Brings Gory Monster-Slaying On The Go Updated Jan 23, 2018.

Straight from Koei Tecmo themselves during the Tokyo Game Show 2017, the sequel to the 'Attack on Titan' game has been announced for a Nintendo Switch release. The company has previously revealed that the game would be available for the PlayStation 4, PlayStation Vita and PC via Steam, and it looks like Switch players would get their own dose of 'Attack on Titan 2.'

'Attack on Titan 2' was first confirmed back in August for a 2018 release in Japan. Fans of the game living in the U.S. also need not worry as the sequel has also been announced to come to the States. The US release however still hasn't been confirmed for the Nintendo Switch, but the likelihood for such to happen is pretty high.

A brief trailer has already been released for 'Attack on Titan 2' earlier this year, and it is quite the surprise (and relief) for Switch users now that the game has been announced for the platform. With this being said, there is still no confirmation as to whether the game will be released on the Switch alongside the other platforms or if it will have a separate release.

Players may see a number of similarities between the first 'Attack on Titan' game and 'Dynasty Warriors.' This is due to the fact that the development team behind both games at Koei are one and the same: Omega Force. Other games developed by Omega Force would include the 'Samurai Warriors' and the upcoming 'Fire Emblem Warriors.'

The plot of the game will be based on the second season of the popular anime series of the same name. Koei Tecmo has also promised that there will be more character interactions in the sequel compared to the first game. The antagonists of the game, the Titans, will also receive an upgrade making defeating them more challenging as ever.

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Content FiltersAMA Calendar DateGuestMar 31Zen Indies 10:00 AM ET / 7:00 AM PT / 3:00 PM GMTMay 7Digital Continue SuperMash 10:30 AM ET / 7:30 AM PT / 3:30 PM GMTRules.No hate-speech, personal attacks, or harassment.Remember the human and be respectful of others. Hate-speech, personal attacks, harassment, witch-hunting, trolling and similar behaviour is not allowed. Please be civil and do not use derogatory terms.No clickbait, vague, or misleading post titles.Post titles should convey the content of your post quickly and effectively. I wanted to talk about AOT2 a little and share my honest feedback regarding the game and it’s presence on Nintendo switch.

First and foremost let me say, l have begun to reach a point where I am more likely to buy a game that comes out on switch despite owning other systems. So my opinion can be somewhat biased on the matter.I recently purchased AOT2 based on some posts made on this subreddit, I was skeptical about the game itself but moreover on the switch release because I didn’t know how it would compare to other platforms when it came to the playability as well as the visuals. Obviously being an anime game it’s not typical that one would expect insane graphics or super HD environments.However, I do say that I am very impressed with the overall outcome of the game itself and have been really enjoying playing the game especially on my Nintendo Switch. It may be safe to assume on this subreddit we all know the advantages of using the Nintendo switch being its portability as well as free range on play style (by this I do mean where you play more so than how, couch, bedroom, toilet, train, plane, etc).My experience with the game has been magnificent and overall I am very happy that I bought the game and have dove right in to the story as well as a lot of the extra missions because I’ve enjoyed the gameplay and it’s really satisfying to slice up a bunch of titans limb from limb! I’m a huge fan of the series and I wanted to stress that if you are also a huge fan of the series this game may be for you! Really I don’t want to cite things right out of the game since I believe going in fresh and experiencing it for yourself is the best thing rather than me spoiling all the good stuff.Of course I will add that the controls initially took me a short while to get used to but I don’t think that it’s anything worth having much concern for since the mechanics of the game are very unique. I haven’t honestly had a moment to try the multiplayer yet but I hope to find that just as fun as the story itself has been.

I’m really excited about this game and I hope to see more anime games on Nintendo Switch soon! If you’ve been skeptical about this game maybe you will enjoy it as much as I have thus far.I’m really happy I got it and it’s tons of fun so I totally recommend it! I’m hoping to see more games like this coming to switch, hopefully Bandai Namco goes all in and we start seeing some more heavy hitters from them such as Sword Art Online: Fatal Bullet.

Anyways, I’ll rest my case there. If you have also played this game please send your feedback too!. Got the game last Saturday and having an absolute blast with it.

I own a ps4 but went with the switch version for the portability.There are some pop ins and sometimes the framerate drops when it gets busy on the screen but that hasn't been in the way of my enjoyability of the game.I'm also happy that they let you fully customize the controls. I switched locking and calling in buddies directly to the zr and zl buttons. My fingers are naturally resting on those buttons and since you use those actions more it was a great change when I switched those buttons up. 30 hours deep and just finished the story (that includes scout missions and helping on SOS's). Overall incredibly impressed, one of my favorite Switch games (not that it's exclusive) to date. 2 missions in particular really frustrating me however, where the performance + sheer number of titans made it nearly impossible to target the right area while being pursued by smaller, faster Titans. Luckily in-mission checkpoints mean I don't have to backtrack too far.I'd be great if they could further optimize these sections, and perhaps add a real co-op friends list feature.

My review here for anyone interested:. I want to add that I freaking love how this game handle the story.

Your character feel like s/he is a natural part of the story, and doesn't take anything away from the main protagonist at all. You do really feel like you're an observer of this great tales.

Compare this to DBXV for example, your character there feel really forced in.Personally, I hates the stuffs that came after the basement, so I love it that the game story ended right before the bullshit (well the revolution was fun. Except for the torture, wtf, and then the other stuffs after that is just.)Gameplay wise, though, it's really frustrating sometime. Hate it when titans clips through walls - especially the crawling ones so you can't attack them at all.Also it's baffling how the people who made countless Musou games have such an abrupt way to update events. Countless times I've failed an attack due to being interrupted by cut scenes.Evasion and crit don't seem consistent as well. It's not clear whether crit is stat based or input based. Evasion is still a mystery to me.

It seems like there's a huge window for it to work before and after taking damage, but not at the point of contact. Extremely inconsistent, doesn't help that hit boxes are wonky af either.Online play is also significantly different from solo.

There's no hit stun so it's the pacing is completely off between the two modes.Inferno Mode is just hilariously bullshit. It's kind of funny fighting Boss Titans and see the NPC literally drop dead just by engaging them. Enemies also loves stall tactics just to fuck with you. Still, general Musou Nightmare Mode bullshits.

Oh wait, except now the best gears are locked behind bullshit mode, so, fuck that. Lol that’s a lot of feedback! Thanks for taking the time to write it in. Yeah I can definitely understand where you’re coming from on some of this. I haven’t had a chance to try multiplayer or nightmare mode out but I’m sure I’ll get a taste of it pretty soon here. I forgot about the random glitching of the titans when you can’t exactly get a good hit on them!

That was a a good thing to bring up. I really like how you mentioned the perspective of the story mode though! Mystic words game.

I totally feel the same way about it, it’s nice because you feel significant enough but not like you’re butting in or anything like that. The overall story of AOT I’m a huge fan of regardless so it’s been nice to have the refresher a little before the next season (which hopefully comes out in July). All in all this was really awesome feedback so thanks so much for sharing!. I can’t speak for the vita version if the game since I haven’t had the chance of playing it. Regardless, in my experience the switch version plays really smooth.

The first Life of Constantine describes its subject as 'resplendent with every virtue that godliness bestows.' This praise-filled biography came from the hand of Eusebius, bishop of Caesarea in Palestine, and perhaps Constantine's greatest admirer. But the Almighty God, who sits in the court of heaven, granted what I did not deserve.' Constantine cast.

The controls work really well too so honestly I haven’t found any issues with the game on switch. I think that the only thing worth mentioning is that once or twice I’ve seen a slight performance drop during a moment where I was suddenly swarmed by several titans at once. I’m not sure I could really call it lag because the game itself continued to play in unison and didn’t seem to slow down per say. It was strange but I don’t really know much as to the cause of the issue being the system or the game itself. I think it was a hiccup, to be honest, because there have also been times where the same the same situation was present and I didn’t seen any performance changes. All in all I’d say it’s really solid and totally worth looking in to.